Edmund M. Clarke
- Spring 2015: Interactive Theorem Proving
- Spring 2014: Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification and Testing
- Spring 2013: Graduate Verification Seminar: Automated Theorem Proving
- Fall 2012: Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification and Testing
- Spring 2012: Graduate Verification Seminar: Automated Theorem Proving
- Fall 2011: Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification and Testing
- Spring 2011: Model Checking and Abstract Interpetation
- Spring 2010: Formal Languages, Automata, and Complexity
- Fall 2009: Model Checking and Abstract Interpetation
- Spring 2009: Formal Languages, Automata, and Complexity
- Fall 2008: Introduction to Model Checking
- Fall 2007: Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification and Testing
- Fall 2006: Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification and Testing
- Spring 2006: Fast SAT solvers and Practical Decision Procedures
- Spring 2005: Introduction to Model Checking
- Spring 2003: Theorem Proving and Model Checking with PVS
- Fall 2002: Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification and Testing