- Doerner, C., Myers, B.A., EUKLAS: Supporting Integration of Example Code. (submitted). [PDF]
Related Work
We consider the following list of papers to be relevant in this context and suggest reading them to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts underlying Euklas's design:
- Cottrell, R., Walker, R.J. and Denzinger, J., Semi-automating small-scale source code reuse via structural
in FSE-16, (Atlanta, GA, 2008), 214-225. - Gross, P.A., Herstand, M.S., Hodges, J.W. and Kelleher, C.L., A code reuse interface for non-programmer
middle school students.
in IUI '10, (Hong Kong, China, 2010), 219-228. - Hartmann, B., Wu, L., Collins, K. and Klemmer, S.R., Programming by a sample: rapidly creating web
applications with d.mix.
in UIST '07, (Newport, RI, 2007), 241-250. - Ko, A. and Wobbrock, J., Cleanroom: Edit-Time Error Detection with the Uniqueness Heuristic.
in VL/HCC '10, (Madrid, Spain, 2010), 7-14. - Lim, S.C.S. and Lucas, P., JDA: a step towards large-scale reuse on the web. in OOPSLA '06, (Portland, OR, 2006), 586-601.