15-411 Compiler Design
Out | Points | Lab | Due (always at 11:59pm) | |||
Lab 1 | Tue Sep 3 | 100 | Register Allocation | Tests | Tue Sep 10 | |
Compilers | Tue Sep 17 | |||||
Lab 2 | Tue Sep 17 | 100 | Loops and Conditionals | Tests | Tue Sep 24 | |
Compilers | Tue Oct 1 | |||||
Lab 3 | Tue Oct 1 | 100 | Functions | Tests | Tue Oct 8 | |
Compilers | Tue Oct 15 | |||||
Lab 4 | Thu Oct 17 | 100 | Pointers, Arrays, and Structs | Tests | Thu Oct 24 | |
Compilers | Thu Oct 31 | |||||
Lab 5 | Tue Oct 29 | 100 | Optimizations | Compilers | Sat Nov 16 | |
Papers | Mon Nov 18 | |||||
Lab 6 | Tue Nov 19 | 200 | Optimization or Garbage Collection or Virtual Machine or Create Your Own Adventure |
(no tests) | | |
Compilers | Thu Dec 5 | |||||
Term Papers | Tue Dec 10 | |||||
Out | Points | Assignment | Due (in lecture) | Further links | |||
Asst 1 | Tue Sep 3 | 60 | Instruction Selection and Register Allocation | Tue Sep 10 | LaTeX source | ||
Asst 2 | Thu Sep 19 | 60 | Lexing, Parsing, and SSA | Thu Sep 26 | LaTeX source | ||
Asst 3 | Tue Oct 1 | 60 | Calling Conventions and Optimizations | Thu Oct 10 | LaTeX source | ||
Asst 4 | Tue Oct 22 | 60 | Memory Layout and Polymorphism | Tue Oct 29 | LaTeX source | ||
Asst 5 | Tue Oct 29 | 60 | Instruction Scheduling, Function Pointers, Exceptions | Tue Nov 12 | LaTeX source | ||
The university policies and procedures on academic integrity will be applied rigorously.
All labs in this course must be done either by a single student or by a pair of students, at your discretion. The work must be your own and your partner's. Do not copy any parts of the lab from anyone. Do not look at other students' code. Do not make parts of your code available to anyone besides your partner, and make sure noone else can read your files.
General libraries, such as the SML Basis Library, the SML/NJ Library, or other publicly available libraries may be used in your code. This also includes the code supplied with the textbook. Please clearly identify if you used library code, credit its source, and summarize any changes you may have made to the library. Portions of other students' compilers, from this or previous semesters, are explicitly prohibited. If in doubt, please contact the instructor.
All assignments in this course are single-student assignments. The work must be all your own. Do not copy any parts of any of the assignments from anyone. Do not look at other students' papers. Do not make any parts of your assignments available to anyone, and make sure noone can read your files.
We will be using the Moss system to detect software plagiarism.
It is not considered cheating to clarify vague points in the labs, assignments, or textbook, or to give help or receive help in using the computer systems, compilers, debuggers, profilers, or other facilities.
All handins of labs are electronic via the Autolab system. All assignment are due at 11:59pm on the specified due date. Every individual or group has up to 6 late days to use for any labs throughout the semester. For example, if an assignment is due at 11:59pm on Tuesday, and handing in the assignment at 1:05pm on Thursday incurs no penalty, but uses up 2 late days. Late days used so far are recorded on Autolab.
All handins of written assignments are on paper at the beginning of lecture (1:30pm) on the due date. Up to two assignments may be handed in late, any time before next lecture. The exception is Thanksgiving break, where you have to make separate arrangements for a late handin.
You may not submit a lab more than two days late. You will receive no credit for a lab which is more than two days late.
Exceptions to the policies above will be granted only in exceptional circumstances and must be discussed with and approved by the course instructor in advance.
We are using a subversion repository administered by the course staff for distribution and autograding purposes.
Suppose your group name is hickory. To check out a working copy of the svn module for your group, do
% svn checkout https://svn.concert.cs.cmu.edu/15411-f13/groups/hickory
Your userid would be hickory and your password should have been mailed to you.
This will create a directory hickory/ with a subdirectory for each lab. For the very first lab, there is also some starter code in hickory/lab1/compiler which you may edit freely or replace entirely.
When you are ready to hand in your code (and you may hand in as often as you like), make sure you have committed the most recent version to the repository with svn commit.
Then go to the Autolab server, select the lab you would like to hand in and select option
> Checkout your work for creditDepending on whether you are handing in test cases or a compiler, the autograder for Lab 1 will do either
% svn checkout https://svn.concert.cs.cmu.edu/15411-f13/groups/hickory/lab1/tests
% svn checkout https://svn.concert.cs.cmu.edu/15411-f13/groups/hickory/lab1/compiler
and then run the driver to autograde your code. For each lab, the autograder will look for the two handin directories tests and compiler.
You are encouraged to use the svn repository to manage your development, but you are not required to do so as long as you hand in your code as specified above.
We always count your latest submission, both for grading purposes and for the purpose of counting late days. You should avoid the scenario where you make final clean-up edits close to the submission deadline without subsequently compiling and re-testing your code. You might end up with no credit if you accidentally fail to close a comment or miss a parenthesis!
Some labs may permit unofficial submissions in order to test your code with the Autolab grader. Unofficial submissions will not be graded. Please make sure to hand in at least one official submission.
On autolab, be sure to select
> View handin history
to see the official autolab output and instructor evaluations of your submissions.
Grading criteria are stated separately with each lab. Some of each score will be determined by the Autolab grading script. In addition, the teaching assistants will read your code and award additional points based on code quality.
The most important criterion is always correctness. Buggy code is useless, and is likely to get a low score. A secondary criterion is the selection of appropriate algorithms and data structures for your implementation. Finally, it is important that your code be readable and well-organized. This includes proper use of the module system and clear comments.
Grading for written assignments is based on the correctness of the answer and the presentation of your reasoning. Strive for clarity and conciseness, but show how you arrived at the answer. If you cannot solve a problem, explaining your approach and why you failed is encouraged. Such answers will be given partial credit.
Grades are based primarily on the total score for the class out of 1000 points. This includes 700 points for lab and 300 points for assignments. There are no predetermined cut-offs. Instead, the teaching staff will decide on grade boundaries at the end of the year. We will use intangibles, such as participation in class for those close to grade boundaries.
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Frank Pfenning