Wed, Aug. 6:00-8:00 pm (Joey)
Matlab Tutorial
I will give a brief introduction to Matlab. If you have a laptop with Matlab you are encouraged to bring it (although it is not necessary). You can obtain matlab from MyAndrew . I will post my notes along with previous matlab recitation materials on this page after recitation.
VPN Setup
To run matlab from off campus you will need to setup CiscoVPN which can be obtained here. If you have problems, please contact the CMU help center.
Recitation Materials
- The dice example along with the basic syntax tutorial presented in recitation.
- A code tutorial from previous years.
- A slide presentation reviewing matlab and some basic syntax (from a previous year). pretty_matlab_pres.pdf
Wed, Sep. 2 6:00-8:00 pm (Oznur)
Probability statistics and graphical models .
Recitation Materials
Wed, Sep. 9 6:00-8:00 pm (Joseph)
In this recitation I reviewed factor graphs and variable elimination. I also briefly discussed continuous distributions and convexity.
Recitation Materials
- Annotated Slides: [PPTX, PDF]
- Mathematica Notebook: [Interactive Mathematica File, Mathematica Player File, PDF]. You can obtain Mathematica from MyAndrew or you can download the Mathematica Player from Wolfram.
Wed, Sep. 16 6:00-8:00 pm (Oznur)
Mutinomials, Dirichlet,Model Selection .
Recitation Materials
Wed, Sep. 23 6:00-8:00 pm (Joey)
Linear Regression and Regularization.
Recitation Materials
I will be posting recitation materials a few minutes before recitation.
- Slides: Notebook
Wed, Sep. 30 6:00-8:00 pm (Oznur)
Mutlivariate Gaussians and Logistic regression.
Recitation Materials
- Slides PPT PDF
- Joey prepared some exra mathematica material if you want to play with: Gassian Naive Bayes Mulivariate Gaussians (nb) pdf
Wed, Oct. 14 6:00-8:00 pm (Joey)
Logistic Regression, Principal Component Analysis, Gibbs Sampling
Recitation Materials
- Slides PPTX PDF
- I will use some of the material from last recitation: Gassian Naive Bayes Mulivariate Gaussians (nb) pdf
Wed, Oct. 21 6:00-8:00 pm (Oznur)
Decision Trees, Bagging, Random Forest
Recitation Materials
Wed, Nov. 18 6:00-8:00 pm (Joey)
Support Vector Machines and the Kernel Trick
Recitation Materials
- Slides PPTX PDF Annotated PPTX Annotated PDF