How to turn in homework

Homework should be turned in at the beginning of the class on the day it is due. We ask that you turn in each problem in a different stack -- since each problem is graded by a different TA this will significantly expedite the grading process (and thus the return time).

We ask that you electronically submit (using AFS) all code that was used to complete the assignment. We have created an AFS folder for each student and for each homework which can be found here:


where your_andrew_id corresponds to your andrew id and q corresponds to the assignment number. There are many ways to move your files to this AFS folder. On facilitized machines you should already have an OpenAFS client from which to mount the AFS folder. If you have an scp client you could also try something like:

scp -r HW1 701/Submit/your_andrew_id /.

To submit using the graphical open afs client, first download and install OpenAFS for Windows. Then go to Start -> All Programs -> OpenAFS -> Authentication. In the AFS Client window go to the tokens tab and click Obtain New Tokens . In AFS Cell enter For user name and password enter your andrew username and password. In the Drive Letters tab you click Add. Pick your favorite drive letter. For AFS Path enter:

/afs/ your_andrew_id /

You should now have mounted your AFS folder. Go to My Computer and browse to your favorite drive letter and create the folder HW1 and place your code for homework 1 in there.

For more information on AFS please visit Windows AFS Help, CS AFS Help or OpenAFS.

Homework #1

  • Out: September 12th, (Wed)
  • Due: October 3rd, (Wed)
  • Assignment: [PDF]
  • UCI Breast Cancer dataset [zip] which includes an optional loaddata.m matlab function to load the data.
  • Possibly helpful last minute notes on the matrix MLE for regression. [PDF] [Mathematica6 Notebook] If there are any typos or mistakes please let me know .
  • Solutions: [Matlab Code] [HW1].

Homework #2

  • Out: October 3rd (Wed)
  • Due: October 17th (Wed)

Homework #3

  • Out: October 17th (Wed)
  • Due: November 5th (MONDAY)
  • Assignment: [PDF]
  • [READ EARLY] libsvm installation instructions for Mac OS X and Linux: [txt]
  • libsvm download: [link]
  • Matlab and data files: [zip]
  • Solutions: [Matlab Code] [HW3].

Homework #4

Homework #5