- What is learning?
- Version spaces
- Sample complexity
- Training set/Test set split
- Point estimation
- Loss functions
- Bayesian
- Bias-Variance trade off
Mon., Sep. 10:
- Lecture: What's ML, Point estimation [Slides] [Annotated]
- Mathematica Demonstration The Mathematica demonstrations require the newest version of Mathematica (Version 6) which can be obtained from MyAndrew.
- Additional Reference: Andrew Moore's basic probability tutorial
- Readings: Bishop 2.1, Appendix B
Linear Models
Wed., Sep. 12:
- Lecture: Gaussians, Linear Regression, Bias-Variance Tradeoff, Overfitting, What's ML revisited. [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: Bishop 1.1 to 1.4, Bishop 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.2, 3.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2
- Completely Optional: Joey's quickly written notes on the matrix MLE for regression. [PDF] [Mathematica6 Notebook] If there are any typos or mistakes please let me know .
Mon., Sep 17:
- Lecture (Eric Xing): Naive Bayes, Gaussian Naive Bayes [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: Bishop 1.3, 1.5, 3.2, Mitchell's Chapter on Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression (Sections 1 and 2)
Wed., Sep 19:
- Lecture: Overfitting, What's learning revisited, Generative v. Discriminative, Logistic Regression [Slides] [Annotated]
- Required Reading: Mitchell's Chapter on Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression (All sections)
- Optional Reading: Ng and Jordan's NIPS 2001 paper on Discriminative versus Generative Learning [pdf] [ps]
Mon., Sep 24:
- Lecture: Logistic Regression [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: Bishop - 4.0, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
Non-linear models and Model selection (4 Lectures)
- Decision trees [Applet]
- Overfitting, again
- Regularization
- Cross-validation
- Boosting [Adaboost Applet] from
- Instance-based learning
- K-nearest neighbors
- Kernels
- Neural nets [CMU Course] from [Applet] from
Wed., Sep. 26:
- Lecture: Decision Trees [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: (Bishop - 1.6) Information Theory
- (Bishop - 14.4) Tree-based Models
- Recommended Reading: Quantities of Information Wikipedia entry
- Recommended Reading: Nils Nilsson's Chapter (All Sections): Decision Trees
- Optional Review of Boolean Logic/DNF: Nils Nilsson's Chapter Boolean Functions (first 4 pages)
Mon., Oct. 1:
- Lecture: Boosting [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: (Bishop 14.3) Boosting
- Schapire Boosting Tutorial
- Optional Reading: Multi-class AdaBoost paper, by Zhu, Rosset, Zou, and Hastie.
- Additional resource: Schapire Boosting Tutorial Video.
Wed., Oct. 3:
Homework 1 is due at the beginning of lecture.
- Lecture: Cross Validation, Simple Model Selection, Regularization, MDL, Neural Nets [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: (Bishop 1.3) Model Selection / Cross Validation
- (Bishop 3.1.4) Regularized least squares
- (Bishop 5.1) Feed-forward Network Functions
- Optional Reading: Ron Kohavi's paper, A Study of Cross-Validation and Bootstrap for Accuracy Estimation and Model Selection.
- Additional Resource: Minimum Description Length website
Margin-based approaches (3 Lectures)
- SVMs [Applets] from
- Kernel trick
Wed., Oct. 10:
- Lecture: Neural Nets (cont), Instance-based Learning [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: (Bishop 2.5) Nonparametric Methods
Mon., Oct. 15:
- Lecture: SVMs [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: (Bishop 6.1,6.2) Kernels
- (Bishop 7.1) Maximum Margin Classifiers
- Hearst 1998: High Level Presentation
- Burges 1998: Detailed Tutorial
- (Optional) Platt 1998: Training SVMs with Sequential Minimal Optimization
- Additional Resource: Smola video tutorial on SVM (see Part 3)
- Additional Resource: Scholkopf video tutorial on kernels
- Additional Resource:
Wed., Oct. 17:
- Lecture: SVMs - The Kernel Trick [Slides] [Annotated]
- Additional Resource:
Learning Theory (2 Lectures)
- Sample complexity
- PAC learning
[Applets] - Error bounds
- VC-dimension
- Margin-based bounds
- Large-deviation bounds
- Hoeffding's inequality, Chernoff bound
- Mistake bounds
- No Free Lunch theorem
Mon., Oct. 22:
- Lecture: Learning Theory [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings:Goldman's COLT survey, sections 1-3.1
- Avrim Blum's course handout on tail inequalities
- (Optional) John Langford's tutorial on generalization bounds
- (Optional) Littlestone's original (excellent) paper on the Mistake Bound model: Learning Quickly When Irrelevant Attributes Abound: A New Linear-Threshold Algorithm
- Additional Resource: Langford video tutorial on generalization bounds
- Additional Resource: John Shawe-Taylor video tutorial on statistical learning theory
- Additional Resource:
Wed., Oct. 24:
- Lecture: Learning Theory, Midterm review [Slides] [Annotated]
location: MM A14
Structured Models (4 Lectures)
- HMMs
- Forwards-Backwards
- Viterbi
- Supervised learning
- Graphical Models
- Applet: Java Bayes
- Representation
- Inference
- Learning
Mon., Oct. 29:
- Lecture: Bayes nets - Representation [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: (Bishop 8.1,8.2) Bayesian Networks
Wed., Oct. 31:
- Lecture: Bayes nets - Representation (cont.), Inference [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: (Bishop 8.1,8.2) Bayesian Networks
Mon., Nov. 5:
- Lecture: BNs inference, HMMs [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: (Bishop 8.4.1,8.4.2) - Inference in Chain/Tree Structures
- Rabiner's Detailed HMMs Tutorial
Wed., Nov. 7:
- Lecture: HMMs, Bayes Nets - Structure Learning [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: Additional Reading: Heckerman BN Learning Tutorial
- Additional Reading: Tree-Augmented Naive Bayes paper
Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning (4 Lectures)
- K-means (Applet: K-means)
- Expectation Maximization (EM)
- for Mixture of Gaussians: Applet: Mixture of Gaussians
- for training Bayes nets
- for training HMMs
- Combining labeled and unlabeled data
- EM
- reweighting labeled data
- Co-training
- unlabeled data and model selection
- Dimensionality reduction (PCA, SVD) Applet: PCA
- Feature selection
Mon., Nov. 12:
- Lecture: BNs Structure learning, Clustering - K-means [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: (Bishop 9.1, 9.2) - K-means, Mixtures of Gaussian
Wed., Nov. 14:
- Guest Lecture: Online Learning (Avrim Blum) [Slides]
Mon., Nov. 19:
- Lecture: EM [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: (Bishop 9.3, 9.4) - EM
- Neal and Hinton EM paper
- Ghahramani, "An introduction to HMMs and Bayesian Networks"
Wed., Nov. 21:
- NO CLASS: Thanksgiving
Mon., Nov. 26:
- Lecture: EM (cont.) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: Shlens' PCA tutorial
- Optional reading: Wall et al. 2003 - PCA for gene expression data
Learning to make decisions (2 Lectures)
- Markov decision processes
- Reinforcement learning
Wed., Nov. 28:
- Lecture: Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: Kaelbling et al. Reinforcement Learning tutorial
Special date/time: Thursday, Nov. 29th, 5-6:20pm in Wean 7500:
- Lecture: Reinforcement Learning [Slides] [Annotated]
- Readings: Brafman and Tennenholtz: Rmax paper
Fri., Nov. 30:
Project Poster Session
2-5pm, Newell-Simon Hall Atrium
Final Exam
Location TBA
Project Paper Due
2pm, Friday, Dec. 14