CS294-3: Algorithms in the Real World (Guy Blelloch, Fall 97)

Topics, Lecture Notes and Assignments

[ Scribe notes | Assignments | Notes on writing scribe notes ]

All notes and assignments are in postscript unless otherwise noted. The versions included here have been edited from the original versions (4/98).

Lecture scribe notes

Full Notes (300 pages, .8Mbytes compressed)

Aug 27: Class Introduction (overheads)

Aug 29: Compression 1 (Ben Zhao)
Sep 3: Compression 2 (Gabriel Moy)
Sep 5: Compression 3 (Ben Liblit)

Sep 10: Cryptography 1 (Tzu-Yi Chen)
Sep 12: Cryptography 2 (David Oppenheimer)
Sep 17: Cryptography 3 (Marat Boshernitsan)

Linear Programming
Sep 19: Linear Programming 1 (Richard Davis)
Sep 26: Linear Programming 2 (Steven Czerwinski)

Integer Programming
Oct 1: Integer Programming 1 (Andrew Begel)
Oct 3: Integer Programming 2 (Stephen Chenney)

Oct 8: Triangulation 1 (Aaron Brown)
Oct 10: Triangulation 2 (Franklin Cho)
Oct 15: Triangulation 3 (Michael Downes)

Oct 17: N-body 1 (Tajh Taylor)
Oct 22: N-body 2 (Steven Gribble)

VLSI Physical Design
Oct 24: VLSI 1 (Rich Vuduc)
Oct 29: VLSI 2 (Mehul Shah)

Patten Matching
Nov 5: VLSI 3 + Pattern Matching 1 (Noah Treuhaft)
Nov 7: Pattern Matching 2 (Felix Wu)

Indexing and Searching
Nov 12: Indexing 1 (Helen Wang)
Nov 14: Indexing 2 (Ben Horowitz)
Nov 19: Indexing 3 and Evolutionary Trees (Amar Chaudhary)

Nov 21: Clustering 1 (Josh MacDonald)

Guest Lectures
Nov 26: Eric Brewer on Hotbot (Carleton Miyamoto)
Dec 3: Ed Rothberg on Fleet Scheduling If you find bugs in the notes please feel free to send me a message.


  • Assignment 1: Compression, Due Sept 12.
  • Assignment 2: Cryptography, Due Oct 1.
  • Assignment 3: Linear and Integer Programming, Due Oct 15. (Solution for probs 1-5)
  • Assignment 4: Triangulation and N-body problems (html version only), Due Nov 5.
  • Assignment 5: VLSI and Pattern Matching, Due Nov 21.
  • Take home final. Hand out on Dec 3. Due Dec 5.
  • Generating notes

    If you are writing class notes a LaTeX template is available to start with. You can also look at any of the LaTeX files for previous notes, by replacing .ps with .tex in the URLs.

    When you are done either

  • send me a pointer to the directory the notes are in (if I have access),
  • put then in a directory that I can access via the web, or
  • send me a tared, gziped, uuencoded version.
  • I plan to make them available immediately but mark them as a draft. When I have time to look over them I'll suggest corrections or make them myself.

    Remember that part of the job of the scribe is to fix all the errors and mistatements I made in class :-)

    Back to the Algorithms in the Real World page.
    Guy Blelloch, guyb@cs.berkeley.edu.