[ language |
continuations |
typing |
evaluation |
type preservation ||
MLref ||
Language of Mini-ML with References
%%% The Mini-ML Language with References
%%% Polymorphic with value restriction
%%% Author: Frank Pfenning
tp : type. %name tp T
nat : tp.
1 : tp. % unit
* : tp -> tp -> tp. % product
=> : tp -> tp -> tp. % function
rf : tp -> tp. % cells
%infix right 10 *
%infix right 9 =>
exp : type. %name exp E
val : type. %name val V
cell : type. %name cell C
final: type. %name final W
%%% Expressions
% Natural Numbers
z : exp.
s : exp -> exp.
case : exp -> exp -> (val -> exp) -> exp.
% Unit
unit : exp.
% Pairs
pair : exp -> exp -> exp.
fst : exp -> exp.
snd : exp -> exp.
% Functions
lam : (val -> exp) -> exp.
app : exp -> exp -> exp.
% References
ref : exp -> exp.
deref: exp -> exp.
assign: exp -> exp -> exp.
seq : exp -> exp -> exp.
% Let and Polymorphism
let : exp -> (val -> exp) -> exp.
letv : val -> (val -> exp) -> exp.
% Recursion
fix : (exp -> exp) -> exp.
% Values
vl : val -> exp.
%%% Values
z* : val.
s* : val -> val.
unit*: val.
pair*: val -> val -> val.
lam* : (val -> exp) -> val.
ref* : cell -> val.
%%% Final state
val* : val -> final.
new* : (cell -> final) -> final.
loc* : cell -> val -> final -> final.
[ language |
continuations |
typing |
evaluation |
type preservation ||
MLref ||
Frank Pfenning