For the typical bound state problem, WKB is good everywhere except the classical turning points. Solve the schrodinger equation near the classical turning points and match to the WKB solution in the other regions. There are 3 regions divided by the 2 classical turning points.

Solution to schrodinger equation near turning points:


Then tex2html_wrap212 .

So the schrodinger equation is:

define tex2html_wrap213

Then tex2html_wrap214 .

Take asymptotic forms for Ai(y) and Bi(y) as y goes to tex2html_wrap215 and match to get tex2html_wrap216 , tex2html_wrap217 . In general, use WKB connection formulas to get:

match the 2 classically allowed solutions.

tex2html_wrap220 . This means tex2html_wrap221

tex2html_wrap222 tex2html_wrap223

Matching to dying exponential means tex2html_wrap224 Then tex2html_wrap225 This is similar to the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization.

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