The fine structure of Hydrogen is derivably by perturbation theory.

tex2html_wrap326 Where tex2html_wrap327 The unperturbed solution is tex2html_wrap328 . tex2html_wrap329 . These staisfy: tex2html_wrap330 and tex2html_wrap331 . The energy is tex2html_wrap332 and tex2html_wrap333

Relativistic corrections:

Start with dirac equation and expand in powers of tex2html_wrap334 .

These are the fine structure.

In uncoupled basis, only spin-orbit term is nondiagonal. In coupled basis, everything is diagonal.

Then tex2html_wrap342 which gives tex2html_wrap343 . Then for the relativistic mass, tex2html_wrap344 tex2html_wrap345 tex2html_wrap346

tex2html_wrap347 tex2html_wrap348

For the spin-orbital interaction: tex2html_wrap349


For the Darwinian interaction: tex2html_wrap351

The sum of the terms is then: tex2html_wrap352 . There is only j angular dependence. For n=2, you get, tex2html_wrap353 splitting from tex2html_wrap354 by about tex2html_wrap355 .

hyperfine structure and lamb shift add in.

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