Supervised Learning
John Langford. Practical Prediction Theory for Classification (A tutorial) lyx, tex, ps.gz, pdf slides
- Avrim Blum and John Langford PAC-MDL Bounds COLT 2003 .ps.gz, .pdf, .tex
- John Langford, Quantitatively Tight Sample Complexity Bounds Thesis .ps.gz, .pdf, .lyx, .tex, mathml (viewable with mozilla)
- John Langford and Avrim Blum Microchoice Bounds and Self Bounding learning algorithms. COLT99, pages 209-214 and Machine Learning Journal (2002) .ps.gz, .pdf, .tex
- John Langford, Matthias Seeger, and Nimrod Megiddo. An Improved Predictive Accuracy Bound for Averaging Classifiers ICML2001 .pdf, .ps.gz
- John Langford and Matthias Seeger, Bounds for Averaging Classifiers Technical report, Carnegie Mellon 2001 .pdf, .ps.gz
- John Langford and David McAllester. Computable Shell Decomposition Bounds. COLT2000 .pdf, .ps.gz, .tex
- John Langford. Introductory Learning Theory. Neurocolt Workshop on bounds less than 0.5
- John Langford Combining Train Set and Test Set Bounds. ICML2002 .ps.gz, .pdf, .tex
- John Langford and John Shawe-Taylor PAC-Bayes and Margins. NIPS2002 .pdf, .ps.gz, .tex
- Avrim Blum, Adam Kalai, and John Langford Beating the Holdout: Bounds for KFold and Progressive Cross-Validation. COLT99 pages 203-208, .pdf, .ps.gz, .tex
- Avrim Blum, Carl Burch, and John Langford, 1998. On Learning Monotone Boolean Functions
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Symposium on Foundations of
Computer Science FOCS '98. .pdf, .ps.gz, .tex
Unsupervised Learning
Manifold extraction
Particle Filters
Reinforcement Learning
- Sham Kakade, Michael Kearns, and John Langford Exploration in Metric State Spaces ICML2003 .ps.gz, .pdf, .tex
- Sham Kakade, John Langford Approximately Optimal Approximate Reinforcement Learning ICML2002 .ps.gz, .pdf, .tex
- John Langford, Martin Zinkevich, Sham Kakade Competitive Analysis of the Explore/Exploit Tradeoff ICML2002 .ps.gz, .pdf, .tex
Game Theory
Quantum Computing
Humans and Computers