ducttape: HyperWorkflow Manager
J. Clark, A. Lavie, C. Dyer "One System, Many Domains: Open-Domain Statistical Machine Translation via Feature Augmentation", Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA) October 2012. San Diego, California, USA [PDF]
Thesis Proposal: "Locally Non-Linear Learning via Feature Induction in Statistical Machine Translation", April 2012.
J. Clark, C. Dyer, A. Lavie, N. Smith "Better Hypothesis Testing for Statistical Machine Translation: Controlling for Optimizer Instability", Association for Computational Lingustics (ACL) July 2011. Portland, Oregon, USA [PDF] [ACL Slides] [Software] [YouTube Presentation]
C. Dyer, J. Clark, A. Lavie, N. Smith "Unsupervised Word Alignment with Arbitrary Features", Association for Computational Lingustics (ACL) July 2011. Portland, Oregon, USA [PDF]
C. Dyer, K. Gimpel, J. Clark, N. Smith "The CMU-ARK German-English Translation System", Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT11) July 2011. Edinburgh, UK [PDF]
G. Hanneman, J. Clark, A. Lavie, "Improved Features and Grammar Selection for Syntax-Based MT", Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT10) at the Association for Computational Lingustics (ACL) July 2010. Uppsala, Sweden [PDF]
J. Clark, J. Weese, B. Ahn, A. Zollmann, Q. Gao, K. Heafield, A. Lavie, "The Machine Translation Toolpack for LoonyBin: Automated Management of Experimental Machine Translation HyperWorkflows", Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics (Presented at the Fourth Machine Translation Marathon) January 2010. Dublin, Ireland [PDF] [MT Lunch Slides] [MT Marathon Slides] [Software]
J. Clark, A. Lavie, "LoonyBin: Keeping Language Technologists Sane through Automated Management of Experimental (Hyper)Workflows", LREC 2010. Malta. [PDF] [Software]
G. Hanneman, V. Ambati, J. Clark, A. Parlikar, A. Lavie, "An Improved Statistical Transfer System for French–English Machine Translation", The Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT09) at the European Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), March 2009. Athens, Greece. [PDF]
J. Clark , R. Frederking, L. Levin "Inductive Detection of Language Features via Clustering Minimal Pairs: Toward Feature-Rich Grammars in Machine Translation", The Second Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Translation (SSST) at the Associatation for Computational Linguistics (ACL), June 2008. Columbus, Ohio. [PDF] [Slides]
J. Clark , R. Frederking, L. Levin "Toward Active Learning in Corpus Creation: Automatic Discovery of Language Features During Elicitation", The Sixth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), May 2008. Marrakech, Morocco. [PDF] [Slides]
J. Clark , C. Hannon, "A Classifier System for Author Recognition Using Synonym-Based Features", Sixth Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence , November 2007. Aguascalientes, Mexico. [PDF]
J. Clark , C. Hannon, "An Algorithm for Identifying Authors Using Synonyms", ENC 2007 , September 2007. Morelia, Mexico.
M. Bowden, M. Olteanu, P. Suriyentrakorn, J. Clark, D. Moldovan, "LCC's PowerAnswer at QA@CLEF 2006," CLEF 2006 Working Notes, September, 2006. Alicante, Spain. [PDF]
C. Hannon, J.Clark, "A Cognitive-Based Approach to Learning Integrated Language Components", The Third International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, May 2006. Paphos, Cyprus
J.Clark, "Treegraft: A Stochastic Transduction Chart Parser", NLP Lab Self-Defined Project Final Report, Spring 2008. [PDF] [Google Code Project page]
J. Clark, J. Gonzalez, "Coreference: Current Trends and Future Directions", Language and Statistics II Literature Review, Fall 2008.[PDF]
Spring 2009
Fall 2008
Spring 2008
Fall 2007
Simple, but Brilliant Java Programming Advice
Choosing a Ph.D. Program in Computer Science (Berkley)
Advice on Applying (and whether to apply) for a Ph.D. in Computer Science (CMU)
Advice on Applying for Ph.D., Fellowships, and Other Such (Stanford)
Advice for Writing Personal Statements
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Pros: Implements Getting Things Done and most of Randy Pausch's Time Management lecture
Cons: Doesn't integrate time tracking
Google Calendar - Tells me when to be places
Pros: Easy to use interface and support for sharing calendars
FindBugs - Finds bugs in Java programs