Joonhwan Lee

curriculum vitae

Joonhwan Lee, Ph.D.

Human-Computer Interaction Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
email :

Research Interest

Human-computer interaction, interaction design, situationally appropriate user interaction, user interface of pervasive computing, adaptive user interface, visualization

Ph.D. Dissertation

Designing Automatically Generated Perceptually Optimized Displays
Committee: Prof. Jodi Forlizzi, Prof. Scott E. Hudson, Prof. Suguru Ishizaki, Hugh Dubberly
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Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA — August 2000 ~ May 2008
Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction, May 2008
Advisors: Prof. Jodi Forlizzi, Prof. Scott E. Hudson

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA — August 1998 ~ May 2000
Master’s in Interaction Design, May 2000.

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea — March 1996 ~ May 1998
Certificated in Master’s in Industrial and Visual Communication Design

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea — March 1990 ~ February 1995
B.F.A in Industrial and Visual Communication Design, February 1995

Research Experience

Human-Computer Interaction Institute, CMU, Pittsburgh, PA — June 2008 ~ Present
Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Human-Computer Interaction Institute, CMU, Pittsburgh, PA — August 2000 ~ May 2008
Research Assistant

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY — Summer 2000
Summer Internship

NCR Knowledge Lab. & Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA — August 1998 ~ January 2000
Research Assistant

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea — March 1996 ~ May 1998
Research Assistant

Teaching Experience

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA — January 2003 ~ June 2003
Teaching Assistant for “Graduate Design Seminar II (51-702)”

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA — August 2001 ~ December 2001
Instructor for “Introduction to Computing in Design (51-741)”

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA — August 1998 ~ December 1998
Teaching Assistant for “Introduction to Computing in Design (51-741)”

Myungji College, Seoul, Korea — September 1997 ~ June 1998
Instructor for “Design User Interface”

Myungji College, Seoul, Korea — September 1997 ~ June 1998
Instructor for “Fundamental Industrial Design”

Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea — March 1996 ~ August 1997
Teaching Assistant for “Fundamental Design”

Work Experience

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA — July 2008 ~ Current
Post Doctoral Research Fellow

IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY — May 2000 ~ July 2000
Summer Intern

NeoWiz Co., Seoul, Korea — May 1997 ~ June 1998
Director of Interface Design

Imagedrome, Seoul, Korea — October 1995 ~ May 1997
Project Manager, Interface Designer

Alchemist, Seoul, Korea — December 1994 ~ August 1995
Creative Director

Research Projects

MOVE (Maps Optimized for Vehicular Environment) — May 2001 ~ Present
Funded by General Motors

Kinetic Typography — May 2001 ~ Present

GM/CMU Contextual Car Driver Interface — 2001
Funded by General Motors

Interface for Future Mobile Device and Digital TV — May 2000 ~ June 2001
Funded by Samsung Electronics

Responsive Information Architect — Summer 2000
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Research on Mapping Design Culture — September 1996 ~ October 1996
Design Culture Lab. (Funded by Ministry of Finance and Commerce of Korea)

Design Projects

Communication Space for Family Relationship — July 1999 ~ May 2000
Carnegie Mellon University

Internet Push Software User Interface Design — July 1997 ~ November 1997
- Graphic user interface of “LiveCAST” and “infoCharger”.

ZOI COMM UI Design Development — March 1997 ~ August 1997
Design Culture Lab. (Funded by ZOI COMM)
- Graphic user interface of educational entertainment software of ZOI COMM.

CD-ROM Title Design of 50th Anniversary of Seoul National University — March 1996 ~ October 1996
Seoul National University, Imagedrome

Labylintos — December 1994 ~ August 1995
3D adventure game. Designed game characters and products used for game as well as 3D modeling and animation.

Interface Design of Communication Program, "UNITEL" — November 1994 ~ December 1994
Samsung Data System, Imagedrome
Designed interface for AOL-like Internet connection client application.

Interface Design of Korean Word Processor, Hun Min Jung Eum — September 1994 ~ October 1994
Samsung Electrics
Designed user interface for Korean word processor, Hun-Min-Jung-Eum.

English-Korean Translation Program ENKOR User Interface, Package Design — June 1995 ~ April 1996
IBM Korea
Designed product image and applied it to software user interface, package and brochure design of ENKOR, English-Korean Translation Program from IBM Korea.

Digital Parts Catalogue Interface Design for Hyundai Motors Inc. — September 1995 ~ October 1995
Hyundai Motors Inc., IBM Korea

C.I. Design of Orion Electronics — August 1994 ~ November 1994
Seoul National University


Soojin Jun & Joonhwan Lee (2009). “Function in information design: identifying the appropriate functional context in the use of navigation systems,” Visible Language (accepted).

Joonhwan Lee, Jodi Forlizzi, & Scott E. Hudson (2009). “Backseat Driving: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Perceptually-Optimized Navigation Display.” (in submission).

Gweon, G., Jun, S., Lee, J., Rose, C. (2009). “Using Speech to Predict Discrepancies between Perspectives on Participation in Group Work between Instructors, Students, and Observers.” (in submission)

Joonhwan Lee, Jodi Forlizzi, & Scott E. Hudson (2008). “Iterative Design of MOVE: A Situationally Appropriate Vehicle Navigation System,” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 66(3), pp198-215.

Joonhwan Lee, Soojin Jun, Jodi Forlizzi, & Scott E. Hudson (2006). “Using Kinetic Typography to convey emotion in text-based interpersonal communication,” Proceeding of the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2006.

Joonhwan Lee, Jodi Forlizzi, & Scott E. Hudson (2005). “Stuyding the Effectiveness of MOVE: A Contextually Optimized In-Vehicle Navigation System,” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Human Interaction 2005.

Joonhwan Lee (2001). “Designing the Human Experiences”, Journal of Design Culture and Criticism, Korea.

Invited Talks

PARC (Palo Alto Research Center), August 2008

KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), April 2008

GeorgiaTech, March 2008

Illinois Institute of Technology, February 2008

ETRI, May 2006

Seoul National University, January 2005

Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), January 2005

General Motors, June 2004

Ewha Womans University, February 2004

Professional Activities & Services

Student Volunteer, ACM CHI Conference, 1998

Program Committee Member, ACM DIS2000, 2000

Reviewer, ACM CHI Conference, 2004~Present

Reviewer, ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), 2004~Present

Reviewer, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2008~Present

Webmaster, Korean Student Associates of Pittsburgh, 2000-2005

Guest Writer, Mac-Ma-Dang (Design and C.G. Magazine), 1993~Present, Korea

Skills & Interests

- Programming Language: Java, Objective-C with Cocoa, C++, C, Ruby on Rails, PHP, CSS, Visual Basic, JavaScript

- Information Architect

- User Interface Engineering

- Usability Design, Analysis, and Testing