+Journal Papers
- "Cell Population Tracking and Lineage Construction with Spatiotemporal Context." Kang Li, Mei Chen, Takeo Kanade, Eric D. Miller, Lee E. Weiss, and Phil G. Campbell. Medical Image Analysis. 2008. Note: This paper is a significant extension of my MICCAI 2007 and MIAAB 2007 papers. [link]
- "The Layered Net Surface Problems in Discrete Geometry and Medical Image Segmentation." Xiaodong Wu, Danny Z. Chen, Kang Li, and Milan Sonka. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications. 17 (3). June 2007. pp. 261-296. [link]
- "Optimal Surface Segmentation in Volumetric Images -- A Graph-Theoretic Approach." Kang Li, Xiaodong Wu, Danny Z. Chen, and Milan Sonka. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 28 (1). January 2006. pp. 119-134. Note: Patent pending. [pdf]
+Conference Papers
- "Mitosis Sequence Detection Using Hidden Conditional Random Fields." An-An Liu, Kang Li, and Takeo Kanade. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. London, UK. April 14-17 2010. pp. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Note: In press. [pdf]
- "Nonnegative Mixed-Norm Preconditioning for Microscopy Image Segmentation." Kang Li and Takeo Kanade. Proceedings of the 21st Biennial International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI). Williamsburg, VA. July 2009. pp. 362-373. Note: Oral presentation. [pdf][code/zip][code/7z]
- "Reliably Tracking Partially Overlapping Neural Stem Cells in DIC Microscopy Image Sequences." Ryoma Bise, Kang Li, Sungeun Eom, and Takeo Kanade. Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on Optical Tissue Image analysis in Microscopy, Histopathology and Endoscopy (OPTIMHisE). London, UK. September 2009. pp. 67-77. Note: Oral presentation. [pdf]
- "Computer Vision Tracking of Stemness." Kang Li, Eric D. Miller, Mei Chen, Takeo Kanade, Lee E. Weiss, and Phil G. Campbell. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Special Session on In Vivo Microscopic Image Analysis. Paris, France. May 14-17 2008. Note: Oral presentation. [pdf]
- "Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Elastic Surfaces with Application to Tumor Segmentation in CT Images." Kang Li and Marie-Pierre Jolly. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging: Image Processing. San Diego, CA. February 17-21 2008.[pdf]
- "Cell Population Tracking and Lineage Construction Using Multiple-Model Dynamics Filters and Spatiotemporal Optimization." Kang Li and Takeo Kanade. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Microscopic Image Analysis with Applications in Biology (MIAAB). Piscataway, NJ. September 2 2007. Note: Oral presentation. [pdf]
- "Cell Population Tracking and Lineage Construction with Spatiotemporal Context." Kang Li, Mei Chen, and Takeo Kanade. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI). Brisbane, Australia. October 29-November 2 2007. Note: Oral presentation (MICCAI Young Scientist Award). [pdf][slides]
- "Online Tracking of Migrating and Proliferating Cells Imaged with Phase-Contrast Microscopy." Kang Li, Eric D. Miller, Lee E. Weiss, Phil G. Campbell, and Takeo Kanade. Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPRW '06). June 19-21 2006. Note: Oral presentation (Acceptance rate 11.6%). [pdf]
- "Simultaneous Segmentation of Multiple Closed Surfaces Using Optimal Graph Searching." Kang Li, Steven Millington, Xiaodong Wu, Danny Z. Chen, and Milan Sonka. Proceedings of the 18th Biennial International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI). Glenwood Springs, CO. July 2005. pp. 406-417. Note: Oral presentation (Acceptance rate 11%). [pdf][swf][wmv]
- "The Layered Net Surface Problems in Discrete Geometry and Medical Image Segmentation." Xiaodong Wu, Danny Z. Chen, Kang Li, and Milan Sonka. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC). December 19-21 2005. Note: Best Paper Award nominee.
- "Efficient Optimal Surface Detection: Theory, Implementation and Experimental Validation." Kang Li, Xiaodong Wu, Danny Z. Chen, and Milan Sonka. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Medical Imaging: Image Processing. May 2004. pp. 620-627. Note: Oral presentation. [pdf]
- "Globally Optimal Segmentation of Interacting Surfaces with Geometric Constraints." Kang Li, Xiaodong Wu, Danny Z. Chen, and Milan Sonka. Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). June 2004. pp. 394-399. [pdf]
+Conference Presentations
- "Automated Visual-Tracking of Stem Cell Populations in Time-Lapse Microscopy Video." Kang Li, Eric Miller, Takeo Kanade, Lee Weiss, and Phil Campbell. BMES Annual Fall Meeting. St. Louis, MO. October 2008.[poster]
- "Directing and Quantifying Cell Migration with Engineered Concentration Gradients of FGF-2." Eric Miller, Kang Li, Gregory Fisher, Lee Weiss, Lynn Walker, Takeo Kanade, and Phil Campbell. The Endocrine Society Annual Meeting. June 2006.
- "Engineering Cell Fate Using Inkjet Printed Growth Factor Patterns." Eric Miller, Kang Li, Julie Jadlowiec, Gregory Fisher, Lee Weiss, Lynn Walker, Takeo Kanade, Johnny Huard, Alan Waggoner, and Phil Campbell. Society for Biomaterials. April 2006.
- "Engineering Cell Fate Using Inkjet Printed Growth Factor Patterns." Eric Miller, Kang Li, Julie Jadlowiec, Gregory Fisher, Lee Weiss, Lynn Walker, Takeo Kanade, Johnny Huard, Alan Waggoner, and Phil Campbell. Regenerate World Congress on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. April 2006.
- "Engineering Cell Fate Using Inkjet Printed Growth Factor Patterns." Eric Miller, Kang Li, Julie Jadlowiec, Gregory Fisher, Lee Weiss, Lynn Walker, Takeo Kanade, Johnny Huard, Alan Waggoner, and Phil Campbell. Graduate Biomedical Engineering Society Graduate Student Symposium. April 2006.
- "Engineering Cell Fate Using Inkjet Printed Growth Factor Patterns (Poster)." Eric Miller, Julie Jadlowiec, Kang Li, Gregory Fisher, Lee Weiss, Lynn Walker, Takeo Kanade, Johnny Huard, and Phil Campbell. McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine Scientific Retreat. March 2006.
- "Concentration Modulated 2D Spatial Patterns of FGF-2 Immobilized on Fibrin Direct Cell Growth." Eric Miller, Kang Li, Gregory Fisher, Lee Weiss, Lynn Walker, Takeo Kanade, and Phil Campbell. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2005 Annual Fall Meeting. September 2005.
- "Directing Cell Migration and Proliferation with Engineered Two-Dimensional Spatial Patterns of FGF-2 (Poster)." Eric Miller, Gregory Fisher, Kang Li, Gregory Fisher, Lee Weiss, Lynn Walker, Takeo Kanade, and Phil Campbell. The American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting. December 2005.
- "Engineering Cell Fate Using Inkjet Printed Growth Factor Patterns (Invited Talk)." Eric Miller, Julie Jadlowiec, Kang Li, Gregory Fisher, Lee Weiss, Lynn Walker, Takeo Kanade, Johnny Huard, Alan Waggoner, and Phil Campbell. The American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting. December 2005.
- "Tracking of Migrating and Proliferating Cells in Phase-Contrast Microscopy Imagery for Tissue Engineering." Takeo Kanade, Kang Li, Eric Miller, Lee Weiss, and Phil Campbell. Computer Vision for Biomedical Image Applications: Current Techniques and Future Trends, An ICCV Workshop. October 2005.
- M.S. Thesis: "Efficient Optimal Net Surface Detection for Image Segmentation –- From Theory to Practice." Kang Li. The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA. December 2003.[pdf]
- B.S. Thesis: "Fast Spectrum Computation for Pulsed Doppler Ultrasound Blood-flow Imaging Systems on Pentium III/IV Personal Computers." Kang Li. Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. June 2002. Note: In Chinese. [pdf]
+Patents & Invention Disclosures
- "Real-Time Computer Vision-Based Tracking of Stemness." Kang Li, Takeo Kanade, Phil Campbell, Eric Miller, and Lee Weiss. Provisional Patent Application. July 2006.
- "System and Methods for Image Segmentation in N-Dimensional Space." Kang Li, Xiaodong Wu, Danny Z. Chen, and Milan Sonka. U.S. Patent 20070058865. June 2006.