- Curriculum Vitae, last updated Jun 01 2011. [pdf]
Ph.D. Thesis
Anthony, Lisa. (2008) "Developing Handwriting-based Intelligent Tutors to Enhance Mathematics Learning." Ph.D. thesis,
Human-Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. [pdf] |
Master's Thesis
Anthony, Lisa. (2002) "Evolving Board Evaluation Functions for a Complex Strategy Game." Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, Drexel University. [pdf] |
Book Chapters
Anthony, Lisa; Sharma, Kenny; Stibler, Kathleen; Regli, Susan Harkness; Tremoulet, Patrice D.; Gilbertson, David G.; Gerhardt, Robert T. (2010) "Enabling Pre-Hospital Documentation via Spoken Language Understanding on the Modern Battlefield." In Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare (Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics - AHFE'2010), ed. V. G. Duffy, CRC Press, pp. 642-651. [pdf] |
Journal Papers
Anthony, Lisa; Yang, Jie; Koedinger, Kenneth R. (July 2008) "Toward Next-Generation, Intelligent Tutors: Adding Natural Handwriting Input." IEEE Multimedia 15(3), pp. 64-68. [camera copy] [DOI link] |
Anthony, Lisa; Regli, William C.; John, Jon E.; Lombeyda, Santiago V. (June 2001) "An Approach to Capturing
Structure, Behavior and Function of Artifacts in CAD." Transactions of the ASME, the Journal of Computing and Information Science in
Engineering 1(2), pp. 186-192. [camera copy] [DOI link] |
Conference Papers
Anthony, Lisa & Wobbrock, Jacob O. (2010) "A Lightweight Multistroke Recognizer for User Interface Prototypes." Proceedings of Graphics Interface (GI'2010), Ottawa, Canada, May 2010, pp. 245-252. [pdf] |
Anthony, Lisa; Yang, Jie; Koedinger, Kenneth R. (2007) "Benefits of Handwritten Input for Students Learning Algebra Equation Solving." International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (AIEd’2007), Los Angeles, CA, Jul 2007, pp. 521-523. [pdf] |
Anthony, Lisa; Yang, Jie; Koedinger,
Kenneth R. (2006) "Towards the Application of a Handwriting Interface for Mathematics Learning." IEEE Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME'2006), Toronto, Canada, Jul 2006, pp. 2077-2080. [pdf] |
Anthony, Lisa; Yang, Jie; Koedinger, Kenneth R. (2005) "Evaluation of Multimodal Input for Entering Mathematical Equations on the Computer." ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005), Portland, OR, 4 Apr 2005, pp. 1184-1187. [pdf] |
Anthony, Lisa; Corbett, Albert; Wagner, Angela Z.; Stevens, Scott M.; Koedinger, Kenneth R. (2004) "Student Question-Asking Patterns in an Intelligent Algebra Tutor." Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS'2004) , Maceio, Brazil, 30 Aug 2004, pp. 455-467. [pdf]
Shapirshteyn, Yuriy; Foster, Cheryl V.; John, Jon E.; Anthony, Lisa; Regli, William C. (2000) "Building Internet-Based Virtual Environments for Collaborative Design." Co-Designing Conference, Coventry, UK, 11 Sep 2000, pp. 117-122. [pdf] |
Workshop and Symposium Papers
Anthony, Lisa. (2011) "Technical and Privacy Challenges of Multimodal Dynamic Adaptive Systems." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Workshop on Dynamic Accessibility (WODA'2011), Vancouver, Canada, May 2011, to appear. [not yet available] |
Anthony, Lisa; Yang, Jie; Koedinger, Kenneth R. (2011) "Handwriting Interactions for Math Tutors: Lessons for HCI in Education." Proceedings of the SIGCHI Workshop on Child-Computer Interaction (UI Technologies and their Impact on Educational Pedagogy), Vancouver, Canada, May 2011, to appear. [not yet available] |
Regli, Susan Harkness; Tremoulet, Patrice D.; Samoylov, Alexei; Sharma, Kenny; Stibler, Kathleen; Anthony, Lisa. (2010) "Medical Intelligence Informatics." Proceedings of the SIGCHI First International Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH'2010), Atlanta, GA, Apr 2010, 145-148. [pdf] |
Anthony, Lisa; Yang, Jie; Koedinger, Kenneth R. (2009) "Interspersing annotated worked examples in algebra problem solving." Presented as part of the Annual Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI'2009), Symposium entitled "In Vivo Experimentation on Worked Examples Across Domains," Salden, R.J.C.M. & Koedinger, K.R., eds., Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26 Aug 2009. [not yet available] |
Anthony, Lisa; Yang, Jie; Koedinger, Kenneth R. (2007) "Adapting Handwriting Recognition for Applications in Algebra Learning." ACM Workshop on Educational Multimedia and Multimedia Education (EMME’2007), Augsburg, Germany, Sep 2007, pp. 47-56. [pdf] |
Foster, Cheryl V.; Hayes, Erik; McWherter, David; Peabody, M.; Shapirsteyn, Yuriy; Anthony, Lisa; Regli, William C. (2001) "Discovering Knowledge in Design and Manufacturing Repositories." International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Distributed, Heterogeneous, Dynamic, Autonomous Data Sources, Seattle, WA, edited by Vasant Honavar, 06 Aug 2001, pp. 40-42. [pdf] |
Technical Reports and Other Articles
Anthony, Lisa; Yang, Jie; Koedinger, Kenneth R. (2008) "How Handwritten Input Helps Students Learning Algebra Equation Solving." Technical Report CMU-HCII-08-100, 1 Mar 2008. [pdf] |
Anthony, Lisa; Yang, Jie; Koedinger, Kenneth R. (2006) "Entering Mathematical Equations Multimodally: Results on Usability and Interaction Design." Technical Report CMU-HCII-06-101, 15 Mar 2006. [pdf] |
Anthony, Lisa; Regli, William C.; John, Jon E.; Lombeyda, Santiago V. (2001) "CUP: A Computer-Aided Conceptual Design Environment for Assembly Modeling." Technical Report DU-MCS-01-05, 01 Sep 2001. [pdf] |
Anthony, Lisa; Cicirello, Vincent A.; John, Jon E.; Qin, Xiaoli; Shapirshteyn, Yuriy; Zaychik, Vera; Regli, William C. (2000) "The Engineering Design Repositories Project." National Science Foundation Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 03 Jan 2000. [pdf] |
Conferences Attended
- CHI'11 in Vancouver, Canada (May 2011)
- AHFE'10 in Miami, FL (Jul 2010)
- GI'10 in Ottawa, Canada (May 2010)
- EARLI'09 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (Aug 2009)
- CHI'08 in Florence, Italy (Apr 2008)
- HCIC'08 in Winter Park, CO (Feb 2008)
- ACM Multimedia'07 in Augsburg, Germany (Sep 2007)
- AIEd'07 in Los Angeles, CA (Jul 2007)
- SCL Symposium in Atlanta, GA (Oct 2006)
- ICME'06 in Toronto, Ontario (Jul 2006)
- CHI'05 in Portland, OR (Apr 2005)
- ICMI'04 in State College, PA (Oct 2004)
- ITS'04 in Maceio, Brazil (Aug 2004)
- CHI'04 in Vienna, Austria (Apr 2004)
- IJCAI'01 in Seattle, WA (Aug 2001)
- CoDesigning'00 in Coventry, UK (Sep 2000)
- ASME DETC'99 in Las Vegas, NV (Sep 1999)
- CHI'99 in Pittsburgh, PA (May 1999)