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(36) I find this view interesting with all the shadows.


(37) A resident of the LA County Arboretum digs a hole for her clutch of eggs.

Dude, where's your head?

(38) Shot taken at the Los Angeles County Arboretum in Arcadia, CA. I suppose there's some rational explanation for the peacock's rather interesting pose, but it's unclear to me what that would be. For the curious, it's an Indian Blue peacock, Pave cristatus, and there are PLENTY in Arcadia.


(39) Peafowl courtship continues. Lovely birds.

Road up Flagstaff

(40) The road up Flagstaff Hill is nicely lined with trees. Shot at 14mm f/8 at ISO 100 for 1s with the 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5, and saturation kicked up a notch to +3 and sharpening at +2, followed by 25-pt contrast enhancement in Irfanview.

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