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Busy bee

(11) Work first, take care of the personal grooming later, I guess. This bee's liberally covered in pollen.

Tiny flowers

(12) There's a certain geometric beauty in the curiously flower-shaped cluster of smaller flower-shaped clusters of tiny flowers. I'm sufficiently geeky that the term "self-similarity" comes to mind. I'm also enough of a "bug guy" to notice and not mind at all the ant walking across it.


(13) It's not exactly a great shot, but the butterfly did catch my eye. This one did not appreciate the camera's approach and a bit of pursuit was necessary to even get this close.


(14) This Orthropteran might be a katydid of some kind. It rather helpfully perched on the door to Wean Hall instead of hiding, and was still there when I dropped by a couple of hours later.

Polistes dominulus

(15) Clad in sleek yellow and black exoskeletons, these aliens prepare a nest which will hold an army. Image cropped and then downsampled 50%.

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