CMU|Portugal Dual Ph.D. in CS
University of Porto
DCC, 1.18
maraujo {at}

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Conference papers

  1. BreachRadar: Automatic Detection of Points-of-Compromise.
    Miguel Araujo, Miguel Almeida, Jaime Ferreira, Luis Silva, Pedro Bizarro.
    SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2017. Houston, USA.
  2. Distributed Community Detection on Edge-labeled graphs using Spark.
    San-Chuan Hung, Miguel Araujo, Christos Faloutsos.
    12th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, 2016. San Francisco, USA.
  3. FastStep: Scalable Boolean Matrix Decomposition.
    Miguel Araujo, Pedro Ribeiro, Christos Faloutsos.
    Pacific-Asia Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), 2016, Auckland, New Zealand. Webpage
  4. Short-term real-time traffic prediction methods: a survey.
    Joaquim Barros, Miguel Araujo, Rosaldo Rossetti.
    International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2015. Budapest, Hungary.
  5. Beyond Blocks: Hyperbolic Community Detection.
    Miguel Araujo, Stephan Günnemann, Gonzalo Mateos, Christos Faloutsos.
    European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery (ECML-PKDD), 2014. Nancy, France. Webpage.
  6. Com2: Fast Automatic Discovery of Temporal (Comet) Communities.
    Miguel Araujo, Spiros Papadimitriou, Stephan Günnemann, Christos Faloutsos, Prithwish Basu, Ananthram Swami, Evangelos Papalexakis, Danai Koutra.
    Pacific-Asia Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), 2014. Tainan, Taiwan. Webpage. Runner-up best student paper award.
  7. Understanding Sequential Decisions via Inverse Reinforcement Learning.
    Siyuan Liu, Miguel Araujo, Ramayya Krishnan, Emma Brunskill, Rosaldo Rossetti and João Barros.
    14th iEEE Mobile Data Management (MDM), 2013. Milan, Italy. Paper
  8. Using TraSMAPI for Developing Multi-Agent Intelligent Traffic Management Solutions.
    Ivo Timóteo, Miguel Araujo, Rosaldo Rossetti, Eugénio Oliveira.
    Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems (PAAMS), 2011. Salamanca, Spain.Paper
  9. TraSMAPI: An API Oriented Towards Multi-Agent Systems Real-Time Interaction with Multiple Traffic Simulators.
    Ivo Timóteo, Miguel Araujo, Rosaldo Rossetti, Eugénio Oliveira.
    iEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 2010. Madeira, Portugal. Paper

Journal papers

  1. Discovery of 'comet' communities in temporal and labeled graphs (Com2).
    Miguel Araujo, Stephan Günnemann, Spiros Papadimitriou, Christos Faloutsos, Prithwish Basu, Ananthram Swami, Evangelos Papalexakis, Danai Koutra.
    Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS), Springer. May 2015. Paper
  2. Using TraSMAPI for the Assessment of Multi-Agent Traffic Management Solutions.
    Ivo Timóteo, Miguel Araujo, Rosaldo Rossetti, Eugénio Oliveira.
    Journal Progress in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1, issue 2, 2012, Springer. Paper