2009-Present | Jibbigo speech translation |
2002-Present | CMU Statistical Machine Translation Toolkit |
- Designed and implemented algorithms for Low Cost Portability, model pruning, and model adaptation
- Introduced new method to improve translation of unknown words
- Applied Unified Medical Language System to improve medical domain translations
- Implemented Bloomfilter approach to increase possible language model size
2005-Present | Portable Translation/Translation System for Tactical Use |
- Portable Translation systems on PDA and Laptop
2005-2008 | Online Server for Machine Translation Evaluation |
- Users upload translations and have them evaluated according to all common
automatic machine translation scores (BLEU, NIST, METEOR, WER, PER,…)
- Evaluation service provided for IWSLT 2005, IWSLT 2006
- Available as online servers on the WWW (http://www.is.cs.cmu.edu/mteval (currently offline))
2001-2002 | Semantic Network - Navigation and Search Prototype |
- Prototype of a visual navigation and search tool for courseware content
- Visual view of semantic networks allows building and navigation
2000-2002 | QuaSi – Simulator for Quantum Circuit |