Upcoming conferences of interest
- IROS 2006 October 9-13 Beijing, China
- ICRA 2007 April 10-14 Roma, Italy: Paper submission deadline September 15, 2006
- AAMAS 2007: May 14-18 Honolulu, Hawaii: Abstracts due October 20, 2006; Paper submission deadline October 23, 2006
- AAAI 2007: July 22-26 Vancouver, British Columbia: Abstracts due February 1, 2006; Paper submission deadline February 6, 2006
Useful tips
To setup a new svn repository on afs (simple rules...for more complex cases, see one of these sites [1,2]):
Create the repository:
svnadmin create --fs-type=fsfs /afs/the_path/package_name/Import the desired code and directory structure:
svn import /path_to_package/package_name/ file:///afs/the_path/package_name -m "initial import of package_name"Checkout the code:
In AFS: svn checkout file:///afs/the_path/package_name
Or Windows if AFS is installed (works with the windows binaries of SVN): svn checkout file://afs/the_path/package_name
The Cygwin version of SVN also works on Windows (at least for updating and committing; I haven't tried checking out through Cygwin).Since cvs doesn't seem to work with afs and cygwin (commit fails) and cvsnt is finicky with networked CVSROOTs, I recommend SVN if you want your repository on AFS but will be developing in Windows and on Linux. I also highly recommend TortoiseSVN for Windows (SVN GUI integrated into Explorer).
To have an array of Hashtables (or ArrayLists or other generics) in Java 1.5:
Hashtable<A,B>[] varName = (Hashtable<A,B>[])new Hashtable[arraySize];
- To build a .so library for C: gcc -I/includePaths/ -shared -o libmylibrary.so mylibrary.c
- To make emacs automatically paragraphize in LaTeX mode: Alt-Q
- To recursively set access rights in afs:
- To make pine automatically paragraphize for you: Ctrl-J
- To see the CPU/Memory information in Linux: more /proc/cpuinfo or more /proc/meminfo respectively
- To comment out code in java Ctrl-c-c in xemacs
SCP information:
- scp file userid@hostname:destination_file
- scp userid@hostname:srcfile flocal_file
- To get rid of ghost zephyrs: zctl flush_locs
To get that pretty "Algorithm" format in latex (I'm sure there are lots of ways, but here's what I've found works):
After the document class:
\usepackage{algorithmic} -
In your document:
\caption{My algorithm caption}
ALGORITHM as described in algorithm package
After the document class:
- setenv: lists all preferences
- uname -a: displays kernel information
- wc : gives list of file length etc.
- ispell: does spell check
- sort: sorts (duh)
- .shell: displays current shell
- df: displays size of partitions
- To create a shell script simply enter the commands in a file and then chmod 777 filename. ($1, $2,... means the first, second, etc., parameter that you pass the program)
To get rid of cached DNS entries in windows (so that windows can resolve
hostnames that have changed their IP):
- Or if you want to be thorough about it, net stop dnscache and then net start dnscache
info: sample bib file
Right at the bottom your latex file (before the \end{document} line), include:
\bibliography{mberna.bib} -
To cite particular article use \cite{Thr02}
(for the initial latex compilation)
paper (to get the references linked to the .bib file)
(to get the references/figs in order)
- latex paper.tex (to link it all up once and for all)
Right at the bottom your latex file (before the \end{document} line), include:
find . -type d -print -exec fs sa \{\} new-user read \; # recursive access setting
Coming soon...