Original Art

Ashiri WOO HOO, just
finished a new original character. His name is Ashiri and his
friends call him Ash ^-^ In any case he is a fighter sorceror. The tuft of light hair that
he has is a symbol of his sorcery powers. Throughout the ages, he has slain many a
sorceror and absorbed their powers. As he increases in power, his light hair will grow
longer and longer. And when his whole head is covered with light hair -- he would have
achieved phenomenal cosmic powers!! I am currently evolving a whole history for him so
stay tuned.
Caristo Caristo is a
ninja magician. His mother was sorceror born, and when that fact was discovered, she was
executed by her own husband (dear ole daddy). So you can imagine that Caristo is one
screwed up dude.
Some of my older stuff - I'm afraid their quality is
not up to par with my newer drawings. |