Dynamic Aggregation with Circular Visual Designs
Mei C. Chuah, Steven F. Roth, In Proceedings of Information Visualization,
IEEE, North Carolina, October 1998.
Information Rich Glyphs for Software Management Data
Mei C. Chuah, Stephen G. Eick, To appear in IEEE Computer Graphics and
Applications, July 1998.
the Semantics of Interactive Visualizations
Mei C. Chuah, Steven F. Roth, In Proceedings of Information Visualization,
IEEE, San Francisco, October 1996, pp. 29-36.
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SDM: Selective
Dynamic Manipulation of Visualizations
Mei C. Chuah, Steven F. Roth, Joe Mattis, and John Kolojejchick.
In Proceedings UIST'95 User Interface Software and Technology, ACM, November
[PDF file format]
SageBook: Searching
Data-Graphics by Content
Mei C. Chuah, Steven F. Roth, John Kolojejchick, Joe Mattis and Octavio Juarez.
In Proceedings CHI'95 Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, May 1995.
[PDF file format]

Glyphs for Software Visualization,
Mei C, Chuah, Stephen Eick,
In Workshop on Program Comprehension, 1997.
Towards an
Information Visualization Workspace: Combining Multiple Means of Expression
Steven F. Roth, Mei C. Chuah, Stefan Kerpedjiev, John A. Kolojejchick, and Peter
Lucas. In Human-Computer Interaction Journal, Volume 12, Numbers 1 & 2,
1997, 131-185.
[PDF file format]
Sketching, Searching, and Customizing Visualizations: A
Content-based Approach to Design Retrieval
Mei C. Chuah, Steven F. Roth, and Stefan Kerpedjiev.
In Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval, M. Maybury (ed.),
AAAI/MIT, 1997, 83-111.
SDM: Malleable Information Graphics
Mei C. Chuah, Steven F. Roth, Joe Mattis, and John Kolojejchick.
In Proceedings IEEE Visualization'95 Symposium, ACM, October 1995.
Steering a mobile robot in real time
Mei C. Chuah and Claude L. Fennema.
In SPIE'94 Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIII:3D Vision, Product Inspection,
and Active Vision, November, 1994.
Analyzing Graphic and Textual
Layouts with GOMS
Mei C. Chuah, Bonnie E. John and John Pane.
In Proceedings CHI'94 Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, May 1994.

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