mukesh agrawal

For the long version, see my CV.

                                                            MUKESH AGRAWAL

    Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
    Ph.D. in Computer Science (pursuing), Sep 2000 - Sep 2007 (expected)
    Research Advisor: Srinivasan Seshan
    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
    M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, Aug 2000
    Research Advisor: Farnam Jahanian

    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
    B.S. in Computer Science, December 1997

    Management and Reliability of IP Networks
    Carnegie Mellon University and AT&T Labs Research
      - Proposed a new network-edge architecture to improve the
        reliability of IP networks
      - Evaluated the proposed architecture using Cisco 12000 series
        routers as well as PC routers running Quagga
      - Demonstrated that the proposed architecture could improve
        down-time due to planned maintenance (the leading source of
        downtime) by a factor of 3-5

    System Support for Evolution of Peer-to-Peer Systems
    Carnegie Mellon University
      - Proposed a methodology for evolving peer-to-peer storage
        systems such as Cooperative File System and IrisLog
      - Developed a prototype system to support the methodology using
        Xen and user-space network proxies
      - Showed that the system enabled upgrade of these applications
        with reasonable developer effort (about 1000 LOC)

    Web Performance with Satellite Networks
    Carnegie Mellon University
      - Investigated how to improve web performance for
        satellite-based Internet service such as DirecPC and
      - Showed that caching can simultaneously reduce bandwidth
        requirements by 33% and improve response times by 62%
      - Developed heuristic schedulers which improve performance by
        utilizing the return path on modem links when the contention 
        for the satellite link is high

    Web Server Performance
    Carnegie Mellon University
      - Experimentally evaluated claims that the SRPT scheduling
        policy could reduce response time for web requests
      - Showed that, in LAN scenarios, SRPT decreased mean response
        time by a factor of 3-8, under high load
      - Showed that large files do not suffer from starvation under
        SRPT, with typical web workloads

    Web Server Selection
    IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (Summer 2000)
      - Evaluated the effectiveness of DNS-based server selection in
        improving response times for web access
      - Found that a key assumption of such schemes, the proximity of
        clients to their name servers, often does not hold
      - Developed a system for the redirection of web clients to
        servers based on observed network performance and inferred
        network topology
    Merit Network and University of Michigan, Winter 1998 - Spring 2000
      Developed visualization and data processing software to support
      near-realtime monitoring of Internet performance. Investigated
      the detection of anomalous network behavior using statistical
      profiling of network flow data.

    Intel Communications Architecture Lab, Summer 1999.
      Designed and implemented an OS abstraction/resource management
      software component for facilities such as threads and timers.

    Silicon Graphics, Desktop Systems Division, Summer 1997.
      Designed and developed a Java applet and CGI backend to enable
      customers to easily create custom video modes over the web.
    Ford Motor Company, Research Library, Summer 1996.
      Worked on the overhaul of an intranet website consisting
      of over two hundred web pages and thirty CGI scripts.

    Teaching Assistant, Carnegie Mellon University, Spring and Fall 2003
    Computer Networks (undergraduate, senior level)
      Developed and graded course projects, exam questions, and
      homework problems. Delivered occasional lectures, and held
      office hours.

    Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, Cisco IOS
    Languages:         C/C++, Perl, Tcl, Java, JavaScript
    APIs/Libraries:    POSIX threads, BSD sockets, STL

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