Atutor is where we host the online section of this course. Here you will view lectures on a wide range of topics related to creating music in Nyquist. You will also perform coding excercises that will count towards 8% of your final grade. You will have unlimited attempts on these exercises, so don't be afraid to try again if your score is not perfect. But do be sure that the excercises are delivered on time or you will be penalized.
Link to slides from Atutor lectures.
Piazza is our platform for course-related anouncements and online discussion.
Nyquist is a sound synthesis and composition language offering a Lisp syntax as well as an imperative language syntax and a powerful integrated development environment. Nyquist is an elegant and powerful system based on functional programming. You can download pre-compiled version (v3.11) here.
Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems. Audacity was originally designed and developed by Roger Dannenberg and Dominic Mazzoni working in Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science Computer Music Project.
Here are two Nyquist plug-ins for Audacity written using the SAL syntax:
Spotify Playlist
Public, collaborative playlist including examples of music we have listened to in class plus more. Use this to explore more music from these artists and find inspiration for your projects. If you find something you'd like to add to the playlist or discuss in class feel free to add to the playlist.
Lecture slides
Course overview
On Sound Collage
On Scores
Bits, Decibels, Natural Rhythms
Modulations (FM/AM synthesis)
Feedback, filters, convolution
Short history of machine music