feature selection, registration and tracking
CUDA functions:
Initializing/Closing a CUDA session
extern "C" int InitCUDA(int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int PyrLevel, int templateSize, int maxIteration, int maxLinesearch)
extern "C" bool ExitCUDA(void);
Feature selection
extern "C" void Caller_eig_show_mag(float* target, float ratio, unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
extern "C" void Caller_corner(cudaArray *Image, size_t pitch, unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
Feature registration
extern "C" void Caller_Tracker_Registration(float* fx, float *fy, int numfeatures, int *indexmap);
Feature tracking
extern "C" void Caller_Align(cudaArray *Image2, float* motion, float *residual, float *vec_invH);
Notes for the CUDA implementation:
- The CUDA implementation is not fully equivalent to the enclosing CPU implementation of the affine-photometric tracker. The differences are
- In the CUDA implementation, there is no re-registration of features. Thus, the life of the features is less than that of features tracked in the CPU implementation.
- Maximum number of features is limited 1024. Even less than that, it tracks all the 1024 features.
- The number of iteration is fixed for every feature.
- The maximum level of pyramids is set to 5. If one wants to increase it, change the ˇ°#define MAX_PYR_LEVELˇ± on top of the cu file.
- The maximum number of features is fixed to 1024.
- The Hessian inversion is made on a GPU by default. To do it on a CPU, edit the function Caller_Tracker_Registration after reading the comments on it.
- The function cvGoodFeaturesToTrack_GPU() is based on the equivalent implementation in the OpenCV. It uses only Maximum eigenvalue method.