Planning for the Real World:
The promises and challenges of dealing with uncertainty

Tentative Schedule:

Morning Session:

7:30-8:15 Introduction to planning under uncertainty, Michael Littman, Rutgers University

8:15-8:45 Predictive models for reinforcement learning, Satinder Singh, University of Michigan

8:45-9:00 Risk, Reward and Reinforcement, John Moody, ICSI

9:00-9:15 Break

9:15-9:45 Reasoning about uncertainty due to external agents, Geoff Gordon, Carnegie Mellon University

9:45-10:15 (Im)Practical reinforcement learning theory, John Langford, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

10:15-10:30 Discussion

Afternoon Session:

4:00-4:30 Learning Control and Planning from the View of Control Theory and Imitation, Jan Peters and Stefan Schaal, University of Southern California

4:30-4:45 Poster Spotlights

4:45-5:45 Poster Session

5:45-6:00 Break

6:00-6:30 Apprenticeship learning, Andrew Ng, Stanford University

6:30-7:00 Wrap-up / Discussion

Poster presentations:

Main Page
Call for Posters

