Matrix can be derived by the algorithm in Figure 3.12,
but it is instructive to study an alternative derivation of .
The idea is to simply iterate the following
equation until it converges:
The intuition behind Equation (3.7) should be clear: Recall that the entry of represents the probability that state is the first state reached in level , given that we start in state . Now the right hand side of Equation (3.7) represents this same probability by conditioning on whether the first move is a backward transition, a local transition, or a forward transition. Specifically, the element of represents the probability that the first move leaving state is to state . The element of represents the probability that the first transition out of state is to state for some multiplied by the probability that the the first state reached in level is when we start in state , summed over all possible . Finally, the element of represents the product of three terms: (i) the probability that the first transition from is to some state in level , (ii) the probability that from state the first state reached in level is some , and (iii) the probability that from state the first state reached in level is state , where the product is summed over all possible and . Since we are in the repeating region, all the superscripts are equal to , and can be dropped by our notation.
Matrices for
are derived in a similar manner, by using
which we have already derived.
Matrix is obtained by
We now give intuition behind expressions (3.8)-(3.10). The right hand side of (3.8) can be divided into three parts: Part 0: , Part 1: , and Part 2: . The element of Part gives ``the first moment of the distribution of given that the first transition out of state is to level and event '' multiplied by ``the probability that the first transition out of state is to level and event '' for . Part 1 consists of two terms. The first term, , is the contribution of the time to the first transition, and the second term, , is the contribution of the time it takes to reach after the first transition. Similarly, Part 2 consists of three terms. The first term, , is the contribution of the time to the first transition, the second term, , is the contribution of the time it takes to come back from level to level after the first transition, and the third term, , is the contribution of the time it takes to go from level to level .
The right hand sides of (3.9) and (3.10) can similarly be
divided into three parts: Part 0 consists of terms containing
; Part
1 consists of terms containing or
; Part 2 consists of terms
containing or
. The three parts of (3.9) and (3.10) can be
interpreted exactly the same way as the three parts of (3.8)
except that ``the first moment'' in (3.8) must be replaced by
``the second moment'' and ``the third moment'' in (3.9) and
(3.10), respectively. For example, the three terms in Part 1 of
(3.9) can be interpreted as follows. Let be the time
to the first transition and let be the time it takes from level
to level . Then, the second moment of the distribution
of these two times is