List of Figures
Analysis of Multi-server Systems
List of Figures
List of Tables
Difficulty of performance analysis of multiserver systems
Road map
Synopsis of Part I: Analytical tools for multiserver systems
Synopsis of Part II: Performance analysis of multiserver systems
Synopsis of Part III: Further discussion and conclusion
Analytical tools for multiserver systems
Moment matching algorithm
Moment matching algorithms
Characterizing phase type distributions
Organization of this chapter
Brief tutorial on phase type distributions
Examples of PH distributions
Definition of PH distribution
Subclasses of PH distribution
Properties of PH distributions
State of the art in moment matching algorithms
Characterizing phase type distributions
EC distribution
Simple closed form solution
Complete closed form solution
Positive closed form solution
Concluding remarks
Dimensionality reduction of Markov chains
Analysis of priority M/M/2 queue via DR
Analysis of priority M/PH/2 queue via DR
RFB and GFB processes
Organization of this chapter
Brief tutorial on matrix analytic methods
Quasi-birth-and-death process
Markovian arrival process
Matrix analytic methods
State of the art in the analysis of multidimensional Markov chains
Approaches using matrix analytic methods
Other approaches
FB, RFB, and GFB processes
Definition of FB process
Definition of RFB process
Examples of RFB processes
Definition of GFB process
Examples of GFB processes
Dimensionality reduction
Analysis of the birth-and-death FB process
Analysis of the FB process
Analysis of the RFB process
Analysis of the GFB process
Constructing a 1D Markov chain using an approximate background process
Approximations of dimensionality reduction
Dimensionality reduction with partial independence assumption
Dimensionality reduction with complete independence assumption
Computational complexity of DR, DR-PI, and DR-CI
Moments of inter-level passage times in QBD processes
Moments of passage time
Computing various performance measures
Distribution and moments of the number of jobs in the system
Distribution and moments of response time
Accuracy of dimensionality reduction
Running time of dimensionality reduction
Concluding remarks
Performance analysis of multiserver systems
Configuring multiserver systems with multiple priority classes
State of the art in the optimal number of servers
How many servers are best in FCFS system?
How many servers are best in priority system?
New approximations for many priority classes
Approximations for multiserver systems with multiple priority classes
Comparing DR-A with BB and MK-N
Concluding remarks
Improving traditional task assignment policies
Task assignment in server farms
State of the art in task assignment policies
Task assignment with cycle stealing
Performance of task assignment with cycle stealing
Summary of results
Mean response time
Concluding remarks
Reducing switching costs in cycle stealing
Threshold based policy for reducing switching costs in cycle stealing
State of the art in cycle stealing
Summary of results
Mean response time
Concluding remarks
Designing robust resource allocation policies
Static and dynamic robustness
State of the art in resource allocation policies for the Beneficiary-Donor model
Summary of results
Static robustness and mean response time of single-threshold allocation policies
Single-threshold allocation policies: T1 and T2
Stability under single-threshold allocation policies
Mean response time of single-threshold allocation policies
Static robustness of single-threshold allocation policies
Static robustness and mean response time of multi-threshold allocation policies
T1T2 policy
The adaptive dual threshold (ADT) policy
Dynamic robustness of threshold based policies
Concluding remarks
Further discussion and conclusion
Applications in contact center design
Overview of contact center operation
Towards efficient contact center operation
Overview of contact center management
Capacity planning
Routing policy design
Analytical tools developed
Lessons learned in the analysis of multiserver systems
Future directions
Moment matching algorithm by Bobbio, Horváth, and Telek
Properties of Markovian arrival processes
Takayuki Osogami 2005-07-19