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In this section, we numerically evaluate the accuracy and running time of DR as well as its approximations, DR-PI and DR-CI, through the analysis of the preemptive priority queue (introduced in Section 3.4) and the size-based task assignment with cycle stealing under immediate dispatching, SBCS-ID, (introduced in Section 3.4). Note that the number of classes corresponds to the number of processes constituting an RFB process in the analysis of both the preemptive priority queue and SBCS-ID. Throughout we assume that the arrival process is Poisson. We will see that In all our experiments below, we use the algorithm in Figure 3.12 to compute R and G matrices, which we need in the analysis via DR, DR-PI, and DR-CI, and we set the error bound at $\epsilon = 10^{-6}$. All the experiments are run on a 1 GHz Pentium III with 512 MB RAM, using Matlab 6 running on Linux.

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Takayuki Osogami 2005-07-19