Next, we introduce the full range of ideas behind DR by sketching
an analysis of
an M/PH/2 queue with two priority classes via DR. We
will see that the approach that we followed in the case of an
M/M/2 queue cannot simply be applied in the
case of an M/PH/2 queue. In particular, we will see that a collection of PH distributions is needed to approximate the duration of the busy period.
We assume that the service demand of high priority jobs has a two-phase
Coxian PH distribution shown in Figure 3.4(a), and
the service demand of low priority jobs has an exponential distribution
with rate
. As before, the low (respectively,
high) priority jobs arrive according to a Poisson process with rate
(c) |
As in the case of an M/M/2 queue, the mean response time of high
priority jobs can be analyzed independently of low priority jobs,
since the behavior of the high priority jobs is not affected by the
(number of) low priority jobs in the system. Specifically,
Figure 3.4(b) shows the Markov chain that exactly models
the number of high priority jobs in the system. Here, the states with
high priority jobs are differentiated by the ``phases'' of the
jobs in service (i.e., phases of the corresponding Coxian
distributions) for each
. In the figure, the numbers shown in
states (circles) denote the ``phases'' of the jobs in service (i.e.,
phases of the corresponding Coxian
PH distributions). That is,
denotes that two jobs in service are both in phase 1;
denotes that two jobs are in service, where one job is in phase 1 and
the other is in phase 2;
denotes that two jobs in service are
both in phase 2.
As in the case of an M/M/2 queue, the behavior of the low priority
jobs is determined by whether there are 0, 1, or high
priority jobs in the system. By conditioning on the number of high
priority jobs in the system, the number of low priority jobs can be
modeled by the same Markov chains as in the case of an M/M/2 queue
(i.e., Figures 3.2(b)-(d)).
Figure 3.4(c) shows a portion of the 2D Markov chain,
where there are low priority jobs, that models our M/PH/2 queue
with two priority classes. Observe that each column in the 2D Markov
chain corresponds to the Markov chain in Figure 3.4(b), and
each row in the 2D Markov chain corresponds to one of the three Markov
chains in Figures 3.2(b)-(d).
Again, our goal is to reduce the 2D Markov chain into a 1D Markov
chain that closely approximates the 2D Markov chain. In the case of
an M/M/2 queue, this dimensionality reduction is made possible by
approximating the duration of the busy period (of the high priority
jobs) by a single PH distribution (Figure 3.3(a) to
Figure 3.3(b)). Unfortunately, the same approach does
not work in the case of the M/PH/2 queue, since the duration of the
busy period in the M/PH/2 queue depends on the ``phase'' of the job
in service both at the beginning and end of the busy period (more
precisely, immediately before the busy period and immediately after
the busy period). In the case of the two-phase Coxian PH
distribution, there are four different types of busy periods depending
on the phase of the job in service immediately before the busy period
starts (phase 1 or 2) and the phase of the job in service immediately
after the busy period ends (phase 1 or 2).
![]() |
Figure 3.5 shows a Markov chain on a finite state
space for the high priority jobs, where the four types of busy periods
are replaced by four two-phase Coxian PH distributions,
respectively. The right half of the Markov chain represents
the busy period, where there are
high priority jobs in the system.
Specifically, the two circles on the right side
labeled busy period of type
the busy period where the job in service at the beginning of the busy period
is in phase
and the job in service at the end of the busy period
is also in phase
Using Figure 3.5 as the Markov chain for the high
priority jobs, we obtain a 1D Markov chain that models the M/PH/2
queue with two priority classes (see Figure 3.6 for a
portion of the 1D Markov chain). Observe that the 1D Markov chain
tracks the number of low priority jobs exactly, but differentiates
only between 0, 1, and high priority jobs. When there is one
high priority job in the system, the 1D Markov chain also tracks the
phase of the high priority job in service.
![]() |
Note that if the following conditions are satisfied, the behavior of the low priority jobs in the 1D Markov chain (Figure 3.6) would be exactly the same as that in the 2D Markov chain (Figure 3.4(c)).