We start with the simpler case of the high
priority (class H) jobs. We derive the
response time of the class H jobs by conditioning on the state
that an arrival sees. Recall the Markov chain in
Figure 3.28(a). By PASTA (Poisson arrivals see time
averages), a class H arrival will see state with probability
when it arrives. Let
the distribution function of
the response time of the class H job that sees
when it arrives, and
be its
-th moment.
Then the distribution function of
the response time of the class H jobs
and its
-th moment are given by
First, observe that a tagged (class H) arrival that sees state
will cause the system state to change to
at that
moment. We remove all the
arcs from the Markov chain in
Figure 3.28(a), so that there are no more arrivals. (Note
that the behavior of the tagged arrival is not affected by the jobs
that will arrive after the tagged arrival, since class H jobs are
served in FCFS order.) This enables us to view the response time for
the tagged arrival as the passage time of this modified Markov
chain from state
to the state where the tagged arrival
departs. The only complexity is in figuring out exactly in which
state the tagged arrival departs.
If the tagged arrival sees state , its response time is the
same as its service time, which has exponential distribution with rate
. If the tagged arrival sees state
(and the
system state is changed to
), the tagged arrival may depart
when the modified Markov chain hits state 1 or state 0, depending on
whether the tagged arrival is the last job to be completed or not.
Note that by the memoryless property of exponential distributions, the
tagged arrival is the last job to be completed with probability
. Thus,
the response
time of the tagged job is the passage time to go from state
to 0 with probability
and the passage time to go from state
to 1
with probability
Observe that the distribution of each of these passage times is simply
a convolution of independent exponential distributions, and its
moments can be derived easily.
Figure 3.29(a) summarizes the above argument.
The response time of a job that sees state upon its arrival
is the passage time from state
to state 0 in the Markov chain
in Figure 3.29(a). Observe that
Figure 3.29(a) is obtained from Figure 3.28(a)
by removing all the transitions with
and splitting the transition from state 2 to state 1 (with rate
into two transitions, one to state 1 and the other to state 0
(each with rate