Next: Response time as a
Up: How many servers are
Previous: High priority class has
In Figure 4.4(a), we once again hold
the mean high priority job size fixed at 1 and now assume the low
priority job sizes have a mean size of
That is, we are giving priority to large jobs, which worsen the overall mean response time.
Once again, in the topmost plot of column (a), we see that the
preferred number of servers for high priority jobs is unaffected,
since the high priority mean job size distribution has not changed.
The low priority jobs, shown in the second plot of column (a), have
vastly different preferences from the prior case. Here the
low priority jobs prefer a large number of servers.
Because the low priority jobs are much smaller than the
high priority jobs, they want more servers in order to avoid being
blocked behind the (large) high priority jobs.
The preferred number of servers for the overall mean response time
in the dual-priority system, shown in the third
plot of column (a), is again a hybrid of the preferences of the
low and high priority jobs, but this time is strongly biased
toward the low priority jobs because there are more of them.
Notice therefore, that the number of servers preferred is much
greater in this case. Comparing this with the single class
aggregate, we see that the single class prefers slightly fewer
servers than the dual class overall mean.
Since larger jobs have higher priority in this case,
the multiple servers provide a huge benefit to (small) low priority jobs.
Figure 4.4(b) illustrates the same graphs for the
case where the high priority jobs comprise less of the total load.
The trends are the same as in column (a); however the preferred number
of servers is significantly smaller in all figures. This follows from
the same argument as that given for Figure 4.2(b).
In the case (not shown) where high priority jobs make up a greater
proportion of the total load, more servers are preferable.
Figure 4.5:
Mean response time as a function of the number of servers.
is fixed.
Next: Response time as a
Up: How many servers are
Previous: High priority class has
Takayuki Osogami