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The SBCS-ID policy (see Figure 5.1(a)) is defined for the immediate dispatching model.
There is a designated short job host and a designated long job host. An arriving long job
is always dispatched to the long job host. An arriving short job
first checks to see if the long job host is idle. If it is idle, the short
job is dispatched to the long job host. If the long job host is not
idle (either working on a long job or a short job), then the
arriving short job is dispatched to the short job host. Jobs at a
host are serviced in FCFS order.
The SBCS-ID algorithm is an improvement over Dedicated for the short jobs. However, only those short jobs arriving
after the long host has entered an idle period can steal long cycles;
if a short job arrives just before the long host enters an idle
period, the short job is not eligible for running during the idle
partition. This is the motivation behind our next cycle stealing
Next: Size-based task assignment with
Up: Motivation for Cycle Stealing
Previous: Motivation for Cycle Stealing
Takayuki Osogami