In Chapter 2, we develop moment matching algorithms, which allow
us to map a general probability distribution into a combination of
exponential distributions, known as a phase type (PH) distribution.
Specifically, a moment matching algorithm maps an input (general)
distribution, , into a PH distribution,
, such that some moments
agree. For example, if the first moment of
agree, then the corresponding random variables have the same mean.
If the first two moments of
agree, then the corresponding
random variables have the same mean and variance. In practice,
matching more moments leads to a better approximation.
Moment matching algorithms can be evaluated along four different measures:
We will provide moment matching algorithms which perform very well along all four of these measures. (i) Our moment matching algorithms match first three moments; (ii) their running time does not depend on the input distribution (we provide closed form solutions for the parameters of the approximate PH distribution); (iii) they apply to the widest possible set of input distributions; (iv) they require a nearly minimal number of phases.
To prove that our moment matching algorithms use a nearly
minimal number of phases, we need to know the minimal number of phases
needed to approximate (by matching first three moments) an input
distribution by a PH distribution.
We will therefore start by providing a formal characterization of the set of
distributions that are approximated by an -phase PH distribution,
for each
. This characterization is used to prove the
minimality of the number of phases used in our moment matching