We consider a task assignment policy in a server farm with a dispatcher (see Figure 3.14(a)), where jobs at each server are served in first-come-first-serve order. Consider homogeneous servers and classes of jobs. Class jobs arrive at a dispatcher according to a Poisson process with rate and have an exponential service time distribution with rate ( if ) for . We will show in Chapter 5 that the size-based task assignment with cycle stealing under immediate dispatching, SBCS-ID, provides lower mean response time than common assignment policies. Under SBCS-ID, class 1 jobs (largest jobs) are always dispatched to server 1. For , a class job first checks to see if the -th server is idle. If so, the class job is dispatched to the -th server; otherwise, it is dispatched to the -th server. Observe that the arrival process (of class jobs) at server depends on whether server is idle or not. Below, we will model the system with SBCS-ID as an RFB process.
Number of jobs at server for
Number of jobs at server
Figures 3.14(b)-(e) show the Markov chains for the number of jobs at server , conditioned on the number of jobs at server . Specifically, Figure 3.14(b) shows the Markov chain for the number of jobs at server when server has jobs, for (``server 0'' is defined to have jobs always). Since server has jobs, an arrival of a class job is dispatched to server . Figure 3.14(c) shows the Markov chain for the number of jobs at server when server has jobs, for . Since server has jobs, an arrival of a class job is dispatched to server ; hence there is no transition due to a class job arrival. Note that there is only one Markov chain for server 1 (Figure 3.14(b)), since the behavior (arrival and service) at server 1 is independent of the number of jobs at the other servers. Figures 3.14(d)-(e) show the Markov chains for the number of jobs at server when server has jobs and when server has jobs, respectively. Since ``class '' does not exist, Figures 3.14(d)-(e) have no transitions corresponding to and .
Now, it is easy to model the number of jobs in the system under SBCS as an RFB process. Here, the Markov chain at server , , corresponds to the -th process for . Since is a finite-phase QBD process that does not depend on other processes, it can be seen as the first process. There are two forms of infinitesimal generators for , depending on the number of jobs at server 1, i.e. depending on the level of . Thus, can be seen as the second process. Likewise, can be seen as the -th process, since its infinitesimal generator is determined by the level of for . Note that the infinitesimal generator of is fixed while is in levels for all (i.e., ).