We consider two processors, each serving its own M/M/1 queue, where
one of the processors (the donor) can help the other processor (the
beneficiary) while the donor's queue is empty (see
Figure 3.18(a)). There is a switching time,
, required for the donor to start working on the beneficiary's
jobs, as well as a switching back time,
. We assume that
have exponential distributions (but this can be generalized to PH distributions). Due to non-zero
switching times, the donor's switching may pay only when the beneficiary's
queue length,
, is sufficiently long, and the donor's switching back
may pay only when the donor's queue length,
, is sufficiently
long. Thus, we consider the following threshold-based policy. If
, the donor starts switching to the
beneficiary's queue. After
time, the donor is available to
work on the beneficiary's jobs. When
, the
donor starts switching back to its own queue. After
the donor resumes working on its own jobs.
We will study the performance of the threshold-based policy
for reducing switching costs in cycle stealing in Chapter 6.
Below, we will model the system with this threshold-based policy
as a GFB process.
(a) Threshold-based policy for reducing switching costs in cycle stealing
The number of jobs in the above system can be modeled as a GFB
process3.5. Here, the background process captures the number of
the donor's jobs and the mode of the donor (whether it is at its own
queue, is switching to the beneficiary's queue, is at the
beneficiary's queue, or is switching back to its own queue), and the
foreground process captures the number of the beneficiary's
jobs. Specifically, level in the background process (respectively,
foreground process) corresponds to the number of donor jobs (respectively,
beneficiary jobs) in the system.
As long as
, the foreground and background processes
can be modeled as QBD processes, respectively.
Figure 3.18(b) shows the background process when
. Since
, the donor server is
either switching back to its own queue (top row) or serving donor jobs
(bottom row). If the donor server is switching back, the donor jobs
do not complete. After
time, switching back is completed.
While the donor server is serving donor jobs, the donor jobs are
completed with rate
. Figure 3.18(c) shows
the foreground process given
. Since the donor
server is not helping, the beneficiary jobs complete with rate
. Observe that both Markov chains in
Figures 3.18(b)-(c) are QBD processes. Also, any
transition from level
to level
is (from level
) to level
in the background process, since
is never incremented
more than one at a time. Further, any transition changes the level of
the foreground process by at most one, since any event (job arrival,
job completion, and changes in the donor server mode) changes the
number of beneficiary jobs by at most one. Thus, these foreground and
background processes constitute a GFB process.