Machine Translation Center of Machine Translation at Carnegie Mellon University (JANUS, Diplomat/Tongues, KANT, Example-based MT, NESPOLE!, LingWear, AVENUE, RADD MT and etc.) REWRITE and GAZELLE at University of Southern California DARPA Babylon (Multilingual speech translation) Egypt (a statistical machine translation toolkit) Natural Language Processing Speech and Language projects and groups at Carnegie Mellon University Statistical NLP resource at Stanford The Center for Language and Speech Processing at JHU The Natural Language Group at ISI Paper Archive http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs http://xxx.lanl.gov Conference Lists http://www-tsujii.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~yoshinag/research/conference_link.html http://nlp.postech.ac.kr/Rlink/k_link_conference.html http://www.phil.uni-passau.de/linguistik/mitarbeiter/schneider/conferences.php Journal Lists http://nlp.postech.ac.kr/Rlink/k_link_journal.html Programming Lists http://www.codeguru.com Learning Algorithms RIPPER, SLIPPER & WHIRL SNoW (Sparse Network of Winnows) Winnow SVM (Suport Vector Machine) [1] [2] MLC++ (Machine Learning Library) C4.5, FOIL & FFOIL Collection of Machine Learing Software from Google
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