Disclaimer: This list is not always complete or up-to-date. Most
of the publications listed here refer to my current research projects. If
you don't see one of my publications on this list or want a publication
for one of my previous research projects, please contact me.
Practical Experiences with Chronics Discovery in Large Telecommunications Systems. Soila P. Kavulya (CMU), Kaustubh Joshi, Matti Hiltunen, Scott Daniels (AT&T Labs, Research), Rajeev Gandhi and Priya Narasimhan (CMU). Best Papers from SLAML 2011 in Operating Systems Review, Volume 45, Number 3, December 2011.
Understanding and improving the Diagnostic Workflow of MapReduce Users. Jason D. Campbell (Intel Labs Pittsburgh), Arun B. Ganesan, Ben Gotow, Soila P. Kavulya, James Mulholland, Priya Narasimhan, Sriram Ramasubramanian, Mark Shuster, Jiaqi Tan (DSO National Laboratories, Singapore), ACM Symposium on Computer Human Interaction for Management of Information Technology (CHIMIT), Boston, MA, December 2011.
Behavior-Based Problem Localization for Parallel File Systems. Michael P. Kasick, Rajeev Gandhi and Priya Narasimhan,
USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Dependability (HotDep), Vancouver, BC (October 2010).
ASDF: An Automated, Online Framework for Diagnosing Performance Problems. K. Bare, S. Kavulya, J. Tan, X. Pan, E. Marinelli, M. Kasick, R.Gandhi, P. Narasimhan. Architecting Dependable Systems, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6420/2010, No. 7, Pages 201-226, 2010.
An Analysis of Traces from a Production MapReduce Cluster.
Soila Kavulya, Jiaqi Tan, Rajeev Gandhi and Priya Narasimhan.
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid
Computing (CCGrid 2010), Melbourne, Australia (May 2010).
Hardware Performance Counter-Based Problem Diagnosis for e-Commerce Systems.
Keith A. Bare, Soila Kavulya and Priya Narasimhan. IEEE/IFIP
Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Osaka, Japan
(April 2010).
Kahuna: Problem Diagnosis for MapReduce-Based Cloud Computing Environments.
Jiaqi Tan, Xinghao Pan, Soila Kavulya, Rajeev Gandhi and Priya
Narasimhan, IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Osaka, Japan (April 2010).
Black-Box Diagnosis in Parallel File Systems. Michael P. Kasick, Jiaqi Tan, Rajeev Gandhi and Priya Narasimhan. USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), San Jose, CA (Feb 2010).
Blind Men and the Elephant (BLIMEy): Piecing together Hadoop for Diagnosis. Xinghao Pan, Jiaqi Tan, Soila Kavulya, Rajeev Gandhi and Priya Narasimhan. International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), Mysore, India (Dec 2009).
Ganesha: Black-Box Fault Diagnosis for MapReduce Systems. Xinghao Pan, Jiaqi Tan, Soila Kavulya,
Rajeev Gandhi and Priya Narasimhan.
Workshop on Hot Topics in Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (HotMetrics 2009), Seattle, WA (June 2009).
Mochi: Visual Log-Analysis Based Tools for Debugging Hadoop Jiaqi Tan, Xinghao Pan, Soila Kavulya, Rajeev Gandhi
and Priya Narasimhan.
USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud), San Diego, CA (June 2009).
System Call-Based Problem Diagnosis for PVFS
Michael P. Kasick, Keith A. Bare, Eugene E. Marinelli III, Jiaqi Tan, Rajeev Gandhi and Priya Narasimhan.
USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Dependability (HotDep), Estoril Portugal (June 2009).
SALSA: Analyzing Logs as StAte Machines Jiaqi Tan, Xinghao Pan, Soila Kavulya, Rajeev Gandhi and Priya Narasimhan.
USENIX Workshop on Tackling Computer Systems Problems with Machine Learning Techniques (SysML),
San Diego, CA (December 2008).
Gumshoe: Diagnosing Performance Problems in Replicated File-Systems Soila Pertet, Rajeev Gandhi and Priya Narasimhan.
IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), Naples, Italy (October 2008).
Fingerpointing Correlated Failures in Replicated Systems
Soila Pertet, Rajeev Gandhi and Priya Narasimhan. USENIX Workshop on Tackling Computer Systems Problems with Machine Learning Techniques (SysML), Cambridge, MA (April 2007).
Towards Fingerpointing in the Emulab Dynamic Distributed System
Michael P. Kasick, Priya Narasimhan, Kevin Atkinson, Jay Lepreau. USENIX Workshop on Real, Large Distributed Systems (WORLDS), Seattle, WA (November 2006).
Causes of Failure in Web Applications
Soila M. Pertet and Priya Narasimhan, Technical Report PDL-CMU-05-109,
Carnegie Mellon University, December 2005
Handling Cascading Failures: The Case for
Topology-Aware Fault-Tolerance
S. Pertet and P. Narasimhan, DSN Workshop on Hot Topics in System
Dependability, Yokohama, Japan, June 2005.
Proactive Problem Determination in
Transaction-Oriented Applications
S. Pertet, P. Narasimhan, A. Sailer and G. Kar, DSN Fast Abstract,
Yokohama, Japan, June 2005.
Why Do Upgrades Fail And What Can We Do About It? Toward Dependable, Online Upgrades in Enterprise Systems.
T. Dumitras and P. Narasimhan. In ACM/IFIP/USENIX Conference on Middleware, Urbana-Champaign, IL, Nov.-Dec. 2009.
No More HotDependencies: Toward Dependency-Agnostic Upgrades in Distributed Systems
T. Dumitras, J. Tan, Z. Gho and P. Narasimhan. In Workshop on Hot Topics in System Dependability (HotDep), Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2007.
Impact-Sensitive Framework for Dynamic Change-Management
T. A. Dumitras, D. Rosu, A. Dan and P. Narasimhan,
DSN Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems, Philadelphia, PA,
USA, June 2006.
Got Predictability? Experiences with Fault-Tolerant Middleware.
T. Dumitras and P. Narasimhan. In ACM/IFIP/USENIX Conference on Middleware, Newport Beach, CA, November 2007.
Fault-Tolerant CORBA: The Specification and the Reality
Priya Narasimhan, IEEE Computer, January 2007, pp. 110-112.
Living with Nondeterminism in Replicated Middleware Applications
J. G. Slember and P. Narasimhan,
ACM/IFIP/USENIX Conference on Middleware, Melbourne,
Australia, November 2006.
Nondeterminism in ORBs: The perception and the reality
J. G. Slember and P. Narasimhan,
DEXA Workshop on High Availability of Distributed Systems,
Krakow, Poland, September 2006.
Static Analysis Meets Distributed Fault Tolerance: Enabling State-Machine Replication with Nondeterminism
Joseph G. Slember and Priya Narasimhan,
USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Dependability (HotDep), OSDI, Seattle, WA, November 2006.
Thema: Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Middleware for Web Service Applications
Michael G. Merideth, Arun Iyengar, T. Mikalsen, Stefan Tai, Isabelle Rouvellou and Priya Narasimhan,
IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), Orlando, FL, October 2005, pages 131-142.
Fault Tolerant Middleware and the Magical 1%
T. A. Dumitras and P. Narasimhan,
ACM/IFIP/USENIX Conference on Middleware, Grenoble, France,
November-December 2005.
MEAD: Support for Real-Time Fault-Tolerant CORBA
P. Narasimhan, T. A. Dumitras, A. M. Paulos, S. M. Pertet, C. F. Reverte,
J. G. Slember and D. Srivastava,
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 17,
no. 12, 2005, pp. 1527-1545;
Copyright 2005 John Wiley and Sons
Architecting and Implementing Versatile Dependability
T. A. Dumitras, D. Srivastava and P. Narasimhan,
Architecting Dependable Systems Vol. III, edited by
Cristina Gacek, Alexander Romanovsky and Rogerio de Lemos,
Springer-Verlag, 2005
Using Program Analysis to Identify and Compensate for Nondeterminism
in Fault-Tolerant, Replicated Systems
J. G. Slember and P. Narasimhan,
IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Florianopolis,
Brazil, October 2004, pp. 251-263.
An Architecture for Versatile Dependability
T. A. Dumitras and P. Narasimhan, DSN Workshop on
Architecting Dependable Systems, Florence, Italy, June 2004.
Proactive Recovery in Distributed CORBA Applications
S. Pertet and P. Narasimhan, IEEE Conference on
Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Florence, Italy, June 2004, pp. 357-366.
Experiences, Approaches and Challenges in Building Fault-Tolerant
CORBA Systems
P. Felber and P. Narasimhan, IEEE Transactions
on Computers, vol. 54, no. 5, May 2004, pp. 497-511
Decentralized Resource Management and Fault Tolerance for
Distributed CORBA Applications
C. F. Reverte and P. Narasimhan, IEEE Workshop on Object-oriented
Real-time Dependable Systems, Capri Island, Italy, October 2003
Estimating Fault-Detection and Fail-Over Times for
Nested Real-Time CORBA Applications
S. Ratanotayanon and P. Narasimhan, International Conference
on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications,
Las Vegas, NV, June 2003
A Middleware for Dependable Distributed Real-Time Systems
(Raytheon Company Best Paper Award)
T. D. Bracewell and P. Narasimhan, Joint Systems and Software
Engineering Symposium, Falls Church, VA, April 2003
Middleware for Embedded Adaptive
P. Narasimhan, C. F. Reverte, S. Ratanotayanon
and G. S. Hartman, IEEE Workshop on Large Scale Real-Time
and Embedded Systems, Austin, TX, December 2002
Trade-Offs Between Real-Time and
Fault Tolerance for Middleware Applications
P. Narasimhan, Workshop on Foundations of Middleware
Technologies, Irvine, CA, November 2002
Smartphone-Based Assistive Technologies for the Blind
Priya Narasimhan and Dan Rossi, International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis
for Embedded Systems (CASES), Grenoble, France, October 2009.
Eye of the Beholder: Phone-Based Text-Recognition for the Visually-Impaired
T. Dumitras, M. Lee, P. Quinones, A. Smailagic, D. Siewiorek and P. Narasimhan. In International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Montreux, Switzerland, October 2006, pp. 145-146.
Trinetra: Assistive Technologies for Grocery Shopping for the Blind Priya Narasimhan, IEEE-BAIS Symposium on Research in Assistive Technologies, Dayton, OH, April 2007
Assistive Embedded Technologies
Priya Narasimhan, IEEE Computer, July 2006, pp. 85-87
Castor: Secure Code Updates in Sensor Networks using Symmetric
Cryptosystems Donnie H. Kim, Rajeev Gandhi, and Priya Narasimhan,
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), pg. 479-488, Tucson, AZ, December 2007
Exploring Symmetric Cryptography for Secure Network
Reprogramming Donnie H. Kim, Rajeev Gandhi, and Priya Narasimhan, Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor
Networks (WWASN), Toronto, Canada (June 2007)
Sluice: Secure Dissemination of Code Updates in Sensor Networks Patrick E. Lanigan, Rajeev Gandhi and Priya
Narasimhan, International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Lisbon, Portugal, July 2006
Undergraduate Embedded System Education at Carnegie Mellon,
Koopman, P., H. Choset, R. Gandhi, B. Krogh,
D. Marculescu, P. Narasimhan, J. Paul, R. Rajkumar,
D. Siewiorek, A. Smailagic, P. Steenkiste, D. Thomas, C.
Wang, ACM Transactions on Embedded
Computing Systems, vol 4, no. 3, September 2005.