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Joint SCS 2005-2006 Undergraduate Thesis

Student: Advisor:
Ilsun Li   Peter Steenkiste
Yuxiang Liu   Srinivasan Seshan

Hacking the Router

Here are the instructions for those of you who wish to hack the Netgear WGT634U router. You will need three items in order to compile and run your programs on the Netgear router, the patched linux 2.4.20 kernel source code, the cross compiler and a SSH daemon running on the router.

Patched Linux 2.4.20 kernel source code

This part is optional. The instructions for downloading and patching the kernel can be found in the WGT624U hacking page from MIT.

Cross Compiler

There are several cross compiler you can use to cross compile your programs. You can use the one that is provided by the Netgear and the instructions for that could be found here. The other cross compiler build instructions can be found here. They should both work. You can also email me for my custom cross compiler if neither of the above solutions work for you.