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List of Tables


Table 1: Source characteristics.


Table 2: Characteristics of San Fernando Basin meshes.

List of Figures


Figure 1: The Archimedes system.


   figure334Click to take a close look (Same for figures below)

Figure 2: Near-surface distribution of shear-wave velocity in the San Fernando Valley; actual depth is 1m.


Figure 3: Nodal distribution for the San Fernando Valley. Node generation is based on an octree method that locally resolves the elastic wavelength. The node distribution shown here is a factor of 12 coarser in each direction than the real one used for simulation, which is too fine to be shown, and appears solid black when displayed. However, the relative resolution between soft soil regions and rock illustrated here is similar to that of the 13 million node model we use for simulations.


Figure 4: Tetrahedral element mesh of the San Fernando Valley. Maximum tetrahedral aspect ratio is 5.5. Again, for illustration purposes, the mesh shown is much coarser than those used for simulation.

Figure 5: Mesh partitioned for 64 subdomains.


Figure 6: Communication graph for the partitioned element mesh depicted in Fig. 5.


   figure334(Click to take a close look.)

Figure 7: Horizontal surface velocity seismogram of the E-W component along the d-d tex2html_wrap_inline1033 axis shown in Fig. 2.


   figure334(Click to take a close look.)

Figure 8: Horizontal surface velocity seismogram of the N-S component along the d-d tex2html_wrap_inline1035 axis shown in Fig. 2.


   figure334(Click to take a close look.)

Figure 9: Distribution of maximum horizontal surface displacement.


   figure334(Click to take a close look.)

Figure 10: Surface distribution of the amplitude of the Fourier Transform of the E-W displacement component for a frequency of 1.45Hz.


   figure334(Click to take a close look.)

Figure 11: Displacement response spectrum for a simple oscillator with tex2html_wrap_inline1037 Hz and 5% critical damping.


   figure334(Click to take a close look.)

Figure 12: Displacement response spectrum for a simple oscillator with tex2html_wrap_inline1039 Hz and 5% critical damping.


Figure 13: Timings in seconds on a Cray T3D as a function of number of processors (PEs), excluding I/O. The breakdown of computation and communication is shown. The mesh is sf2, and 6000 time steps are carried out.


Figure 14: Aggregate performance on Cray T3D as a function of number of processors (PEs). Rate measured for matrix-vector (MV) product operations (which account for 80% of the total running time and all of the communication) during 6000 times steps.

End of List

Figure 15: T3D wall-clock time in microseconds per time step per average number of nodes per processor (PE), as a function of number of processors. This figure is based on an entire 6000 time step simulation, exclusive of I/O. The sf1b result is based on a damping scheme in which tex2html_wrap_inline1041 in Eq. 6 so that only one matrix-vector product is performed at each time step.

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Hesheng Bao
Wed Apr 2 16:22:44 EST 1997