Rafael Alejandro Calvo

Language Technology Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Date of Birth: August 7, 1967.
Place of Birth: La Jolla, California, U.S.A.
Nationality: U.S.A. and Argentina.


Licenciado en Física , 1991 (MS, Physics). Universidad Nacional de Rosario ,  Argentina (UNR). Thesis: "Neural Network Applications".
I am currently enrolled in a Ph.D. at the UNR . My research project is on neural networks and data mining applications, with emphasis on very high dimensional systems.
The courses I am/have taken show some of my interests:

Professional Experience

9/96 - present
5/96 - On leave 4/95 - 9/96 9/91 - 3/95 12/94 - 3/95 3/93 - 3/95 9/90 - 3/93

Computing skills: C++, Perl, html, CGI, Pascal, UNIX, Noweb, Latex.

Languages: English and Spanish.

Awards: Third Prize Intersoft National competition in C/C++ programming projects, 1995 (correcipient with Prof. Guido Macchi).

Professional Memberships:

Instituto de Física Rosario, Argentina. Asociacion Física Argentina.
Neural Network Council, IEEE.

Other interests: photography and trekking (I have trekked in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Thailand, Uruguay and Venezuela.)
