Rafael Alejandro Calvo
Language Technology Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Date of Birth: August 7, 1967.
Place of Birth: La Jolla, California, U.S.A.
Nationality: U.S.A. and Argentina.
Licenciado en Física , 1991 (MS, Physics). Universidad
Nacional de Rosario , Argentina (UNR). Thesis: "Neural Network
I am currently enrolled in a Ph.D. at the UNR . My research project is
on neural networks and data mining applications, with emphasis on very
high dimensional systems.
The courses I am/have taken show some of my interests:
Exploitation of new ideas / venture creation / product development,
1997-1998. All these courses are part of a certificate in technology
comercialisation at the University of Sydney.
Distributed Computing, by Prof. Al Geist (Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
USA), 1997.
Learning in Neural Networks, by Peter Barlet, Jon Baxter and Mostefa
Golea (Australian National University), 1997.
Neural Networks Theory, by Dr. Gustavo Deco (Siemens, Germany),
The C++ Programming Language and the UNIX Operating System, by Prof.
Guido Macchi (IPSGSM-UNR, Argentina), 1994.
Professional Experience
9/96 - present
Research Assistant / PhD student
I am doing research at SEDAL,
University of Sydney, Australia .
My current work is supported by a fellowship of the Universidad Nacional
de Rosario.
5/96 - On leave
4/95 - 9/96
Research Assistant / PhD student Research Project: "Neural
Networks Applications..." This project was supported by the National Council
for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET). At the Institute for
Education Research (IRICE).
9/91 - 3/95
IT Officer, Manager, IRICE. Help desk , maintainance and general
computing support for staff and students.
12/94 - 3/95
Course Supervisor, Team Manager, Proyecto Joven (courses for
young and unemployed people). The project was funded by the Interamerican
Development Bank (BID) and the tender called by the Ministry of Commerce
of Argentina. I had a mayor involvement in the design of the winning bid.
3/93 - 3/95
Computer Science Teacher. Parque de España High School,
Rosario, Argentina.
9/90 - 3/93
Teaching Assistant, School of Engineering, Universidad Nacional
de Rosario.
Computing skills: C++,
Perl, html, CGI, Pascal, UNIX, Noweb, Latex.
Languages: English and Spanish.
Awards: Third Prize Intersoft
National competition in C/C++ programming projects, 1995 (correcipient
with Prof. Guido Macchi).
Professional Memberships:
Instituto de Física Rosario, Argentina. Asociacion Física
Neural Network Council, IEEE.
Other interests: photography
and trekking (I have trekked in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Peru,
Thailand, Uruguay and Venezuela.)