Rubber Band Launched UFO
The Concept:
Rubber Band Launched UFO
- This rubber band launched flying toy is a 4 inch diameter plastic cylinder that will fly similarly to a paper airplane but will be more durable in nature. Children 7 and up will be able to launch it and learn about flight and centrifugal force with a rubber band launcher or the toy can also be through manually like a small football. The stability of the UFO in the air is highly depending on how much spin it has. The toy would be encouraged to be used outside, and thus promoting physical aerobic activity for children and will allow children to interact in throwing games.
- It's based on a type of paper "airplane" or "UFO" that can be make simply by curling a normal pice of letter paper.
- The UFO will probably be able to be manufactured for only a few dollars. The construction is comprised of a plastic ring, a thin sheet of plastic about the thickness of a projection transparency, and a rubber band. The "launcher" can be just a 1/4" plastic or even wooden dowel with a plastic handle. The toy will be light enough to still be safe when thrown indoors or at people.
Pull-Back Powered Racecar | Diving Toy Submarine
Design by Ian Norman
Ian Norman Photography
Carnegie Mellon University
Feb 6, 2007