Bouncy Ball-within-a-ball
- Children will interact with the bouncy ball-within-a-ball by tossing it into the air, against objects, and passing it to other users. The bath of the ball will be unpredictable and chaotic. The outside ball will be a translucent rubber ball and the inner ball will be darker. It will be approximately the size of a four-square ball and could be substituted into that game to make it more exciting.
- The children will learn about momentum, angles of forces, and random motion.
- The item should be fairly easy to construct and should cost the consumer approximately $8. Depending on the quality and thickness of the outer ball, this toy should be extremely durable. It will, however, be susceptible to puncture. Because this toy only has two components and both are large and soft, this toy should be very safe for all ages.
Toy concept 1 | Toy concept 2
Carnegie Mellon University
February 6, 2008