Machine Translation:
Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Ralf Brown and Jaime Carbonell, "Monolingual Distributional Profiles for Word Substitution in Machine Translation", The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, (COLING2010), China, August 2010
Keywords: Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) words, Rare words, Machine Translation (MT), Generalized-Example-based Machine Translation (G-EBMT).

Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Ralf Brown and Jaime Carbonell, "Automatic Determination of Number of clusters for creating Templates in Example-Based Machine Translation", 14th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, (EAMT2010), France, May 2010
Keywords: Number of Clusters, Spectral Clustering, Templates, Machine Translation (MT), Generalized-Example-based Machine Translation (G-EBMT).

Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Ralf Brown and Jaime Carbonell, " Active Learning in Example-Based Machine Translation", The 17th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics, (NODALIDA09), Odense, Denmark, May 2009
Keywords: Active Learning, Pool-based, Machine Translation (MT), Example-based Machine Translation (EBMT).

Rashmi Gangadharaiah " Pattern Induction in Example-Based Machine Translation", Masters Thesis, Language Technologies Institute, CMU, May 2007

Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Ralf Brown and Jaime Carbonell, "Spectral Clustering for Example Based Machine Translation", HLT-NAACL06, New York, USA, 2006
Keywords: Bilingual Spectral Clustering, Machine Translation (MT), Generalized-Example-based Machine Translation (G-EBMT).

Rashmi Gangadharaiah and N. Balakrishnan, "Application of Linguistic Rules to Generalized Example Based Machine Translation for Indian Languages", Proc. of the First National Symposium on Modeling and Shallow Parsing of Indian Languages, (MSPIL), India, Mumbai, April 2006

Text to Speech Systems:
Rohit Kumar, Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Sharath Rao, Kishore Prahallad, Carolyn P Rose, Alan W. Black, "Building a better Indian English voice using more data",, 6th ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop, Bonn, Germany, 2007

Speaker Segmentation:
Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy, Rashmi Gangadharaiah, Richard Stern, "Voting for Two-Speaker Segmentation", Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Speech and Language, (ICSLP), Pittsburgh, USA, September 2006

Rashmi Gangadharaiah, B. Narayanaswamy, N. Balakrishnan, "A Novel Method for Two-Speaker Segmentation", Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Speech and Language, (ICSLP), Jeju, Korea, September 2004

Speaker Recognition:
B. Narayanaswamy and Rashmi Gangadharaiah, "Extracting Additional Information from Gaussian Mixture Model Probabilities for Improved Text Independent Speaker Identification", Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, (ICASSP), Philadelphia, PA, March 2005


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