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Robotics Institute Seminar Schedule, Fall 1998
Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (412)268-3818 . (412)268-5571 (fax)
Seminar Calendar
Previous Seminars Abstracts from earlier this semester, as well as Seminar calendars and abstracts back to the Fall of 1993 can be found in the Robotics Institute Seminar Archive.
General Information Seminars are held every Friday in the Adamson Wing of Baker Hall, unless otherwise noted on the calendar or abstract. Seminars begin at 3:30pm, and refreshments are served upstairs starting at 3:15pm. Feel free to arrive early to get the first shot at the cookies and talk to your colleagues; please try not to leave during a seminar in deference to the speaker. If you would like to arrange a meeting with a speaker, please contact the speaker if they are from CMU, or their host, listed on the calendar, if they are from outside of the University.
Seminar Committee For technical issues and final scheduling commitments, as well as opinions or suggestions on speakers and seminar topics, please contact Vladimir Brajovic. by e-mail at brajovic@cs.cmu.edu, or by phone at (412)268-5622. For administrative issues, tentative scheduling, reimbursements, and opinions on what kind of tea, coffee, or cookies you would like to see at the seminar, please contact Ruth Wiehagen by e-mail at riw@ri.cmu.edu or by phone at (412)268-3327.
This page can be found on the world wide web at http://www.ri.cmu.edu/seminar/1998.fall/1998.fall.html.
This page maintained by Salvatore
Domenick Desiano (sal@ri.cmu.edu).