Lynne Parker
University of Tennessee
NSH 3305
Refreshments 9:45 am
Talk 10:00 am
This talk discusses our approach for deploying a team of
mobile sensor robots to form a sensor network in indoor environments.
The challenge in this work is that the mobile sensor robots have no
ability for localization or obstacle avoidance. Thus, our approach
entails the use of more capable "helper" robots that "herd" the mobile
sensor robots into their deployment positions. I discuss the advance
pre-planning stage that determines where sensor robots (up to 70) should
be deployed using a map of the environment, the division of the
deployment positions into smaller groups for deployment, and the actual
"herding" of the mobile sensor robots to these deployment positions.
Once the mobile sensor robots are deployed, they are used as a
distributed acoustic sensor network. These techniques will be used as
part of a DARPA demonstration of 100 robots in an indoor "search and
protect" application.
Prof. Lynne Parker joined the faculty of the Department of Computer
Science at The University of Tennessee (UT) as Associate Professor in
August 2002. She also holds an appointment as Adjunct Distinguished
Research and Development Staff Member at Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
where she worked as a full-time researcher for several years. Lynne
began the Distributed Intelligence Laboratory at UT in August 2002,
which focuses on research in multi-robot systems and distributed
artificial intelligence. She has published over 70 articles in the
areas of mobile robot cooperation, human-robot cooperation, robotic
learning, intelligent agent architectures, and robot navigation,
including four edited books on the topic of distributed robotics. In
2000, she was awarded the U. S. Presidential Early Career Award for
Scientists and Engineers for her research in multi-robot systems. Lynne
received her Ph.D. degree in computer science from MIT.
For appointments, please
contact John Dolan (
The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.