The Robotics Institute
RI | Seminar

Robotics Institute Seminar Schedule, Fall 2003
General Information | Previous Seminars | Seminar Committee

Seminar Calendar

Information on the speaker, when available, can be viewed by clicking on the speaker's name. The abstract, when available, can be viewed by clicking on the title of the seminar. The schedule, titles, and abstracts from earlier in this semester can be found in the archives.

Date Speaker Affiliation Host
August 29 Robotics for Nanotechnology and Nanotechnology for Robotics
Metin Sitti CMU
Metin Sitti
September 5 Heterogeneous Mobile Sensor Net Planning and Deployment Using Robot Herding
Lynne Parker University of Tennessee
John Dolan
September 5 vSLAM: A low-cost approach to visual localization for consumer robotics (slides)
Paolo Pirjanian Evolution Robotics, Inc., Pasadena, CA
Illah Nourbakhsh
September 12 The Personal Rover Project
Illah Nourbakhsh CMU
Illah Nourbakhsh
September 19 High dynamic range video
Sing Bing Kang Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA
Sanjiv Singh
September 26 Vision-based control for field robots
Peter Corke Commonwealth Scientific Research and Industrial Organisation, Australia
Sanjiv Singh
October 3 Case Studies of Robotics Technology Transfer
Steve DiAntonio and Bill Ross National Robotics Engineering Consortium (NREC), CMU
October 10 no seminar

October 17 Robotic Astrobiology: Robotics experiments and scientific investigation of life in the Atacama Desert
David Wettergreen CMU
David Wettergreen
October 24 Complete Motion Planning for Closed Kinematic Chains
Jeff Trinkle Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
James Kuffner
October 31 no seminar

November 7 Autonomous Navigation for Outdoor, Off-Road Environments
Tony Stentz CMU
Tony Stentz
November 14 Educational robotics at CMU
Howie Choset et al. CMU
Howie Choset
November 21 Behavioral dynamics of human locomotor path formation
Bill Warren Brown University, Providence, RI
Nancy Pollard
December 5 Human-centered Robotics
Oussama Khatib Stanford University, CA
James Kuffner


General Information
Seminars are held every Friday in Mauldin Auditorium (1305 Newell-Simon Hall), unless otherwise noted on the calendar or abstract. Seminars begin at 3:30pm, and refreshments are served starting at 3:15pm. Feel free to arrive early to get the first shot at the cookies and talk to your colleagues; please try not to leave during a seminar in deference to the speaker.

If you would like to arrange a meeting with a speaker, please contact the speaker if they are from CMU, or their host, listed on the calendar, if they are from outside of the University.

Previous Seminars
Abstracts from earlier this semester, as well as Seminar calendars and abstracts back to the Fall of 1993 can be found in the Robotics Institute Seminar Archive.

Seminar Committee
For technical issues and final scheduling commitments, as well as opinions or suggestions on speakers and seminar topics, please contact John Dolan, by e-mail at, or by phone at (412) 268-7988.

For administrative issues, tentative scheduling, reimbursements, and opinions on what kind of tea, coffee, or cookies you would like to see at the seminar, please contact Jean Harpley by e-mail at or by phone at (412) 268-3802.

John Dolan, chair

Jean Harpley, travel

Jiayong Zhang, real-world publicity

Göksel Dedeoglu, electronic publicity

The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.

This page is maintained by Goksel Dedeoglu.