Continuous Capture of Skin Deformation
Jovan Popovic
Laboratory for Computer Science
1305 Newell-Simon Hall
Talk 3:30 pm
Refreshments at 3:15 pm
A digital replica of a moving human body has applications in
video games, teleconferencing, automated news shows, and filmmaking. I
will describe a technique for acquiring the deformable geometry of human
skin, which is one essential feature of this digital representation. Our
technique uses a commercial tracking system to compute the motion of the
skeleton, which it then combines with the image silhouettes from one or
more cameras to reconstruct the geometry of the skin around each bone.
Although the silhouettes do not provide a complete description of the
geometry at any time, as the subject moves, repeated silhouette
observations for locally equivalent skeleton poses combine to describe
the geometry of the entire human body. In the process, the geometry is
parameterized to allow synthesis of skin geometries for motions that
were not in the original dataset.
Jovan Popovic is an assistant professor in the Department of Electical
Engineering and Computer Science and a member of the Computer Graphics
Group in the Laboratory for Computer Science. His goal is to enrich
human communication with intuitive computer design tools that could help
teachers to develop compelling examples of hard-to-describe concepts,
storytellers to animate their tales, and artists to discover new forms
of expression. This research employs computer science, mathematics and
physics to explore the applications of geometric modeling (the design of
shapes) and computer animation (the design of motion) to the fields of
computer graphics, human-computer interaction, biomechanics, robotics,
and design.
Before joining MIT in the Fall of 2001, Jovan Popovic received his Ph.D.
in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University and his B.S. degrees
with highest distinction in Mathematics and Computer Science from Oregon
State University.
For appointments, please
contact Jessica Hodgins (
The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.