Grounding State Representations in Sensory Experience
Daniel Nikovski and Illah Nourbakhsh
Although the world surrounding robots can be described most naturally
by means of continuous variables such as position, orientation,
temperature, light intensity, etc., autonomous reasoning, planning,
and learning in continuous domains has proven to be very difficult.
One way humans deal with the overwhelming complexity of the
environment is by developing elaborate concise discrete descriptions
of the processes they are involved in and using these descriptions to
achieve their everyday goals. For example, when moving from one
location to another, humans tend to plan their actions in terms of
transitions between rooms, corridors, cities, valleys, etc., which are
solely the products of their minds and impose a convenient discrete
representation over the continuous environment. Furthermore, such
descriptions contain state information in cases of perceptual
aliasing, when the immediate percepts cannot disambiguate the state of
the world. We address the problem of endowing robots with the same
ability to create discrete representations of the continuous world
around them, with the objective of improving their reasoning and
planning performance.
Our short-term objectives are to develop algorithms for autonomous
acquisition of discrete world models by robots and using them for
navigation in unknown environments. If successful, these algorithms
would allow robots to be deployed in completely unknown environments,
which they could explore without human intervention. Our long-term
goal is to make it possible for robots to develop their hierarchical
internal symbolic representations of the surrounding world and reuse
these representations for a wide variety of tasks.
In most robotic applications, a human designer defines manually
a world model for the particular domain, in which a robot will
be operating. For mobile robots, this model can be a map (either
metric or topological); for other domains, a set of STRIPS-style
operators that manipulate the state of the world can be defined
and used by symbolic planners. The manual creation of these
models is one of the largest costs associated with deploying
Currently, there are no general methods for autonomous acquisition of
discrete models of robot actions in continuous environments with
hidden state. For some domains, such as navigation in office spaces,
there exist methods for acquiring maps of the environment, but they
are domain-specific and are not likely to be useful in other
domains. On the other hand, the field of reinforcement learning has
made substantial progress in learning general probabilistic models
with hidden state, but research has focused exclusively on discrete
worlds such as mazes. Extending the applications to continuous
domains has proven very hard, even when the world is fully
Our approach is to develop algorithms for learning
partially-observable Markov decision process (POMDP) models with
discrete hidden state and continuous observations. The effect of such
algorithms is defining (grounding) discrete hidden states into
continuous observations, coming directly from the sensors of a
robot. For the purposes of mobile robot navigation, such hidden states
correspond roughly to places and areas in the operating space of a
robot; in the general case they correspond to the conceptual
representations of the outer world, which humans use in reasoning and
planning their actions efficiently.
Since POMDP models are simply hidden Markov models (HMM) augmented
with actions, it should be possible, at least in theory, to use
general methods for learning probabilistic models with hidden state,
such as the Baum-Welch algorithm. In practice, however, such
algorithms often get stuck in shallow local maxima of data likelihood
even when the observations are discrete, which leads to catastrophic
performance when the models are used to plan actions
[1]. Learning such models with continuous observations is
even harder - these algorithms almost never converge to usable models
unless their are initialized with emission models, which are pretty
close to the final solutions.
In order to overcome these shortcomings of iterative optimization
algorithms such as Baum-Welch, we are considering a completely
different approach to learning probabilistic models with hidden state,
based on merging states. Proposed originally by Stolcke and Omohundro
for the purposes of learning HMMs for speech recognition, this
approach starts with a completely deterministic, albeit overfit model,
and gradually merges states so as to simplify the model and improve
its generalization abilities. Still, this algorithm proceeds greedily
and never reconsiders suboptimal state mergers, which sometimes
results in models of poor quality [2]. To solve this problem,
we developed a novel algorithm (SMTC), which considers all possible
mergers before carrying out any of them. The algorithm performs
clustering in the embedding space of trajectories leading into and out
of a particular state, and employes an efficient algoithm for
computing the similarities between pairs of trajectories. So far,
experimental results in small test worlds have shown superiority of
our algorithm over Baum-Welch and the greedy state-merrging algorithm
of Stolcke and Omohundro [3]. Table 1 shows results for three
learning methods and five planners: AP - assumptive planning; MLS -
most-likely state MDP-based; Voting - voting MDP-based; QMDP -
MDP-based proportional to Q-values. Shown are the average reward over
five trials, the associated standard deviation, and the statistical
z test for difference between the achieved reward and that of random
action selection. The last row shows the performance of the planners
when the true POMDP model is available to them.
The current implementation of the algorithm makes impractical learning
with a trace longer than 300 observations, and in order to
scale up our algorithm to larger worlds, we would have to find more
efficient methods for clustering with similarity matrices only.
Another direction we are planning to explore are the algorithms for
learning probabilistic models with hidden state, suggested by
Brand. These methods avoid shallow local maxima in likelihood
by means of entropic priors, parameter extinction, and deterministic
annealing, and since they have already proven their superioriry
over Baum-Welch in areas such as speech and character recognition,
it can be expected that they will have equal success in learning
POMDP models.
- 1
D. Nikovski.
Learning stationary temporal probabilistic networks.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Automated Learning and
Discovery CONALD'99. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1998.
- 2
D. Nikovski and I. Nourbakhsh.
Learning discrete Bayesian models for autonomous agent navigation.
In Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on
Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation CIRA'99., pages
137-143. IEEE, Monterey, CA, 1999.
- 3
D. Nikovski and I. Nourbakhsh.
Learning probabilistic models for decision-theoretic navigation of
mobile robots.
In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference in
Machine Learning ICML'2000. Stanford, 2000.
Grounding State Representations in Sensory Experience
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