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  Sage: System for Automated Graphics and Explanation
In SAGE the user supplies information to be visualized plus how the information should be characterized. The resulting graphic will be composed of specific graphical primitives (e.g., interval bars or lines). SAGE then creates a graphic visualization of the information.

SAGE enhances user-directed design by providing tools that:

  • create user-specified displays,
  • complete partially displayed specifications,
  • retrieve previously created graphics based on appearance and/or data
    content, and
  • design completely autonomous graphics.

Sample visualizations illustrate the wide range of graphics that SAGE can generate.


See related papers by subject



We have integrated two tools into SAGE which play mutually supportive roles in design (Roth et al., 1994). SageBrush (also called Brush) is an interface tool for directly manipulating graphics by constructing sketches from a palette of primitive graphical elements (see the Sage Graphics Model.). When users only partially specify a graphic, SAGE completes it automatically. This eliminates the need for users to perform low-level repetitive actions such as assigning data attributes to elements of the sketch, or selecting specific graphical properties once objects are specified.




SageBook (also called Book) is an interface that enables users to browse and retrieve previously created pictures, reusing them for new data visualizations (Chuah et al., 1995). This approach allows users to use previous visualizations as a starting point for designing new displays of data, extending and customizing as needed. Found visualizations can be modified by using Brush before sending it to SAGE.

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